WISE-SCOPE Fellowship 2025: ₹55,000 Fellowship and Research Grants for Women ScientistsScheme StatusScheme Status

The WISE-SCOPE Fellowship, initiated by the Department of Science & Technology, Government of India, provides an opportunity for women scientists and technologists who have completed their Ph.D. to apply their expertise to address societal challenges. The program supports projects that tackle grassroots issues and offer Science & Technology interventions for solving social problems, enhancing livelihoods, reducing drudgery, improving health and nutrition, managing natural resources, promoting sustainable agriculture, addressing climate change, and strengthening disaster management.

Projects must focus on developing viable technologies or techniques with the potential for lab-to-land transfer, adaptation, and scaling up. The broad thematic areas include:

  • Energy, Water and Waste Management (EWWM)
  • Engineering and Technology Development (ETD)
  • Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development (ECSD)
  • Agriculture and Allied Sciences (AAS)
  • Health, Food, and Nutrition (HFN)

Project Tenure

  • Up to 3 years.


  • Fellowship:
    A monthly fellowship of ₹55,000 plus House Rent Allowance (HRA) as per applicable norms.
  • Research Grant:
    ₹2,00,000 per year.
  • Field Demonstration/Knowledge Dissemination:
    A one-time grant of ₹1,00,000 for the entire project tenure.
  • Small Equipment Grant:
    Up to a maximum of ₹2,00,000.
  • Institutional Overheads:
    Provided as per DST norms.


  • Employment:
    Candidates in regular employment are not eligible. Women scientists in temporary assignments (e.g., as Post-Doctoral Fellows or Research Associates) may apply, provided they leave their earlier assignments if selected.
  • Age:
    Applicants must be between 27 and 60 years of age (as of the date of submission).
  • Educational Qualification:
    Women scientists who have completed a Ph.D. in Basic or Applied Sciences or hold equivalent degrees (such as MD/MS/MDS) are eligible.

Application Process

Mode: Online via the DST e-PMS Portal (https://onlinedst.gov.in/).

  • Registration:
    Click “New PI Registration” and fill in the required details, including department, institute, and institute address. Specify your designation as ‘WISE-SCOPE Fellow.’

  • Proposal Submission:
    After logging in, click “Submit proposals” and complete the form by providing:

    • General information
    • Principal Investigator details
    • Mentor details
    • Suggested Referees (experts in the proposed area)
    • Financial Details (including recurring fellowship, HRA, research grant, field demonstration, overheads, and small equipment costs)
    • PFMS Details (if available)
    • Ongoing Project Details (if any)
    • Programme Details:
      Clearly indicate the societal challenge addressed, the thematic category, and the target beneficiaries.
  • Supporting Documents:
    Upload your work plan, methodology, and any other required files as a single PDF.

  • Final Submission:
    Preview all details carefully. Once satisfied, click “Submit”—no changes will be possible after final submission.

Important Notes:

  • Only online submissions are accepted. Hard copies or email submissions will not be entertained.
  • Ensure that your proposal is complete; incomplete or incorrectly filled applications will be rejected.
  • If more than one proposal is submitted by the same PI, only the last submitted proposal will be considered.

Documents Required

  • CV of the Mentor
  • Conflict of Interest Policy Document
  • Endorsement from the Head of the Institute
  • Complete Project Proposal
  • Highest Degree Certificate
  • Consent Letter from the Mentor
  • Undertaking by the Applicant
  • HRA Declaration Certificate
  • Date of Birth Proof

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • What is the aim of this program?
    To empower women scientists by providing them the platform and resources to address societal challenges through innovative S&T projects.

  • Which is the implementing department of this program?
    The program is implemented by the Department of Science & Technology, Government of India.

  • Who can apply for the Fellowship?
    Women scientists who have completed their Ph.D. (or equivalent) in Basic or Applied Sciences and are in temporary research or academic assignments.

  • What are the thematic areas covered under this Fellowship?
    Thematic areas include Energy, Water and Waste Management; Engineering and Technology Development; Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development; Agriculture and Allied Sciences; and Health, Food, and Nutrition.

  • What is the nature of support provided to the Fellow?
    The Fellow receives a monthly fellowship along with HRA, annual research grants, field demonstration funds, small equipment grants, and institutional overhead support.

  • What is the age criterion to apply under the program?
    Applicants must be between 27 and 60 years old as of the submission date.

  • Can a candidate with regular employment apply under the program?
    No, only those in temporary assignments (e.g., Post-Doctoral Fellows, Research Associates) are eligible. Selected candidates must leave any earlier regular assignments.

  • What shall be the tenure of the project?
    The project can run for up to 3 years.

  • What is the last date for receipt of Application?
    The online portal is open throughout the year for proposal submission.

  • How does one apply under the program?
    Proposals must be submitted online via the DST e-PMS Portal.

Sources and References

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