Post-Matric Scholarship for ST Students in Mizoram 2025: for Higher Education

The objective of the scheme is to provide financial assistance to students belonging to Scheduled Tribes pursuing Post-Matriculation recognized courses in recognized institutions. The scheme covers professional/ technical as well as non-professional and non-technical courses at various levels and also correspondence courses including distance and continuing education. The scheme is 90:10 funding from by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs and Mizoram state.


The main objective of the Post-Matric Scholarship is to enable Scheduled Tribe (ST) students to continue higher studies after matriculation. The scholarship provides economic support to meet the cost of tuition fees, maintenance fees, and other incidental expenses. The scheme enhances literacy rates, removes economic barriers, and promotes social development among the ST groups.


  1. Financial Assistance: Covers tuition fees, maintenance fees, and incidental expenses for ST students for post-matriculation studies.
  2. Higher Education Counselling: Works to encourage ST students to go in for higher studies beyond the level of matriculation.
  3. Enhanced Literacy Rate: Helps to increase literacy among ST communities traditionally having lower rates of literacy.
  4. Empowerment: Empowers ST students to be independent and self-reliant.
  5. Eradication of Dropouts: Foils the issue of dropouts due to economic reasons among ST communities.
  6. Social Upgradation: Works towards attaining improved access to education and opportunities for ST communities.
  7. Improved Job Opportunities: Allows students to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to pursue rewarding careers.
  8. Inclusive Growth: One of the government’s overall agendas of providing equal access to opportunities for every section of society.


  • Parents/Guardians’ income from all sources should not exceed Rs. 2,50,000/- (Rs. Two lakh Fifty Thousand only) per annum.
  • Candidates must belong to Scheduled Tribes.
  • Permanently settled in Mizoram State.
  • Studying Class XI up to Post-Doctoral Fellowship.

Application Process

Online Application:

  • Open the official website of NSP
  • Register yourself on the portal if you are not registered already.
  • Login with detail.
  • The application form will open on the screen.
  • Enter details to fill out the application form.
  • Upload the required documents.
  • Submit your application form.

Documents Required

  1. Aadhaar Card.
  2. Bank Account (self-account).
  3. Income certificate issued by competent authority (up to date).
  4. Previous year mark sheet.
  5. Permanent Residential Certificate (up to date).
  6. Tribal Certificate.
  7. Hosteller Certificate/Rent Certificate

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q1: Why might scheduled tribe students benefit from the post-matric scholarships?
Supporting ST students in furthering their education, the scholarship provides financial help for paying tuition, maintenance, and other fees.
Q2: Under what expenses does the scholarship cover?
The scholarship covers incidental costs, maintenance fees, and tuition rates.
Q3:How much scholarship amount is provided under the scheme?
The scholarship amount varies from state to state, but in general, it covers the expenses of tuition fees, maintenance fees, and other incidental expenses such as books and stationery.
Q4: Is the scholarship renewable?
Indeed, depending on the criteria of keeping eligibility, the scholarship is renewable yearly.
Q5: The scholarship lasts how long?
The course’s length and academic advancement determine how long the scholarship lasts.
Q6: Who qualifies for the scholarships?
eligible are ST students from Mizoram earning less than ₹2,50,000 annually, pursuing from Class XI to Post-Doctoral Fellowship.
Q7: Does the scholarship have any income restriction?
Indeed, the yearly salary of the parents’ or guardians’ applicants cannot be greater than ₹2,50,000.
Q8: How ought I apply for the scholarship?
Following login and registration, applications can be made online via the National Scholarship Portal.
Q9: Which paperwork must be sent in to qualify for the scholarship?
One needs an Aadhaar card, income certificate, tribal certificate, and academic mark sheets.
Q10: How can one choose the scholarship?
Scholarships are given based on eligibility criteria including economic restrictions, caste, and degree of educational competence.

Sources and References

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