Stipend for Scheduled Caste Trainees in Industrial Training Institutes (ITI) Scheme

Launched by the Department of Social Justice and Special Assistance, Government of Maharashtra, the project “Stipends to Trainees in Industrial Training Institute” aims to assist scheduled Caste students in Industrial Training Institute (ITI).
The objective of the scheme is to provide Technical Training to Scheduled Caste students in ITI for their job opportunities. Under the scheme, the students of the SC category residing in the hostel of the organization Department of Technical Education gives ₹60/- per month and the Social Welfare department gives them ₹ 40/- per month.


The primary objective of this scheme is to:

  • Encourage SC students to pursue technical education in recognized ITIs.
  • Provide financial assistance to support their training and residential expenses.
  • Improve employment opportunities for Scheduled Caste youth by equipping them with technical skills.


Under this scheme, eligible students will receive the following stipends:

  1. ₹60 per month from the Department of Technical Education for students residing in the hostel of the organization.
  2. ₹40 per month from the Social Welfare Department for students residing in the hostel of the organization.
  3. ₹100 per month from the Social Welfare Department for students who do not receive any stipend from the Department of Technical Education.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the stipend, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  1. The applicant must be a permanent resident of Maharashtra.
  2. The applicant must belong to the Scheduled Caste (SC) category.
  3. It is mandatory for the student to be enrolled in a recognized Industrial Training Institute (ITI).
  4. The annual income of the applicant’s father must not exceed ₹65,290.

Application Process

Offline Application Steps:

  1. Apply through ITI:
    • The applicant must apply through their respective Industrial Training Institute (ITI).
  2. Contact the Principal:
    • Students should contact the Principal of their ITI for guidance on the application process.
  3. Reach out to District Social Welfare Officer:
    • Applicants can also contact the District Social Welfare Officer at the Zillah Parishad for further assistance.

Documents Required

To apply for the stipend, the following documents are necessary:

  1. Identity Proof: Aadhaar Card
  2. Caste Certificate: Proof of belonging to the Scheduled Caste (SC) category
  3. Father’s Income Certificate: Proof that the annual income does not exceed ₹65,290
  4. Bank Details: For direct transfer of the stipend
  5. Educational Certificates: Proof of enrollment in a recognized ITI

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1- which dept started the scheme?
Schemes were launched by the Department of Social Justice and Special Assistance, Govt of Maharastra.

Question 2: What is the purpose of this scheme?
The objective of the scheme is to give technical training and financial power to Schedulled caste( SC) students for more easier to job opportunities.

Q3: Department of Technical Education liable to pay how much stipend?
They Can Also Get ₹60 as stipend, Posts on Students Quoted Who Reside in the Hostel from the Department of Technical Education.

Q4: What Is Given Stipend By Social Welfare Department of State?
The students living in hostel are to be given a stipend of Rs 40 by the Social Welfare Department while those not under Department of Technical Education assistance get Rs 100.

Q5,—eligible under scheme#
You will need to be a Scheduled Caste person from Maharashtra and pursuing recognized ITI, meet income criteria as declared.

Q6: Are you going to do diploma training in a Govt. recognized ITI?
To be eligible for the stipend, it’s mandatory that the students are studying in a recognized ITI.

Q7: Upper Income Limit to apply under the scheme
Applicants father’s income should not be more than Rs.65,290/- per year. .

Sources and References

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