State Rice Mission Scheme in Meghalaya: 50% Subsidy on Paddy Seeds & FertilizersScheme StatusScheme Status

The “State Rice Mission Scheme” is a State Plan Scheme implemented by the Department of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare, Government of Meghalaya. Its objective is to increase the productivity and production of rice through improved technologies and extension methods. The scheme also provides quality/certified seeds and organic fertilizers at a 50% subsidy.


Pattern of Assistance:
  – Training and awareness programmes
  – Extension and technology support
  – Subsidy on inputs, including quality paddy seeds at 50% subsidy
  – Minor irrigation facilities (e.g., check dams, shallow tube wells)
  – 50% subsidy on Power Tillers SRI Tools for demonstration
  – Conducting trainings


• The applicant must be a permanent resident of Meghalaya.
• Must be a bonafide farmer engaged in agriculture with sufficient available cultivable land.

Application Process

Step 1: Write an application on plain paper.
Step 2: Attach self-attested copies of all mandatory documents.
Step 3: Submit the duly filled and signed application along with the relevant documents at the nearest office of the Agriculture Development Officer of a CD Block/Agriculture Circle.

Mode of Selection:
• Beneficiaries are selected on a first come, first served basis among farmers who have sufficient available cultivable land.

Whom to Contact

District Agriculture Officers of the concerned districts.
Sub-divisional Officers of the concerned subdivisions.
District Training Officers (Tura/Shillong).
Agriculture Development Officers of the concerned Community and Rural Development Blocks.

Documents Required

Passport-size photograph
Identity Proof
• Documents proving sufficient available cultivable land
Bank account details
• Any other document as required

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: What is the objective of the scheme?
A: To increase rice productivity and production through improved technologies, extension methods, and a 50% subsidy on quality inputs.

Q: Which department has launched this scheme?
A: The scheme is launched by the Department of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare, Government of Meghalaya.

Q: Who can apply for the scheme?
A: Permanent resident, bonafide farmers in Meghalaya with sufficient cultivable land.

Q: What is the pattern of assistance?
A: Assistance includes trainings, awareness programmes, extension support, and a 50% subsidy on quality seeds and irrigation inputs.

Q: What type of assistance/entitlement is provided?
A: 50% subsidy on quality paddy seeds and organic fertilizers, support for minor irrigation, and Power Tillers SRI Tools at 50% subsidy for demonstration.

Q: How do I apply for the scheme?
A: By submitting an offline application at the nearest Agriculture Development Office as described.

Q: What is the beneficiary selection procedure?
A: Beneficiaries are selected on a first come, first served basis among those with sufficient cultivable land.

Sources and References

Official Website

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