Puducherry ₹15,000 Laptop Assistance Scheme for Media PersonsScheme StatusScheme Status

This scheme, implemented by the Department of Information & Publicity, Puducherry, is designed to support media persons by providing financial assistance for the purchase of a laptop or desktop computer. Recognizing the crucial role media persons play in creating socio-political awareness, the scheme aims to ensure they have the necessary technological tools to perform their duties effectively.


  • Financial Assistance:
    Eligible media persons can receive financial assistance of up to ₹15,000/- per month (or as may be fixed by the Government from time to time).
  • Purpose:
    The assistance can be used to purchase either:
    • A brand new personal computer that operates on AC power, or
    • A brand new, small, portable personal computer that operates on batteries or AC power, designed for travel.
  • Mode of Payment:
    The funds are disbursed by the Member Secretary-cum-Director after obtaining the necessary receipt from the applicant (using Form-V).


To qualify for the scheme, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  1. Citizenship:
    The applicant must be a citizen of India.
  2. Residency:
    The applicant must be a native of the Union Territory of Puducherry by birth or have maintained continuous residence for not less than ten years.
  3. Service Requirement:
    The applicant should have served for a minimum of five years in any one of the following positions:
    • Full-time Editor, Reporter, Sub-Editor, Press Photographer, or Correspondent of a Newspaper/Periodical registered with the Registrar of Newspapers of India, New Delhi.
    • Reporter or Photographer working for News Agencies in Puducherry with headquarters outside the Union Territory.
    • Reporter or Videographer employed by electronic media, such as Satellite Channels.

Note: Applicants must fulfill these service requirements to be considered as “Media Persons” under the scheme.

Application Process

Offline Process

  1. Prepare Application:
    Write a formal letter and attach copies of all mandatory documents (self-attested if required).
  2. Submission:
    Submit the letter and documents to:
    The Director, Department of Information & Publicity,
    18, Belcombe Street, Puducherry – 605 001
    Phone: +91-413-2334398, 2336415, 2337078
    Email: [email protected]
    Office Timings: Monday to Friday, 08:45 am to 01:00 pm & 02:00 pm to 05:45 pm.
  3. Receipt:
    The applicant must obtain a receipt in the prescribed format (Form-V) for future reference.

Documents Required

  • Form-II:
    Nationality/Nativity/Residence Certificate issued by a Revenue Department officer (not below the rank of Deputy Tahsildar).
  • Form-III:
    Service Certificate detailing the designation, nature of the post (full-time or part-time), period of service, and place of work from the former employer.
  • Form-IV:
    Declaration along with the original purchase bill of the laptop/desktop, indicating the Serial Number, Make, and technical specifications.
  • Press Identification Card:
    Issued by the Directorate of Information and Publicity, Puducherry.
  • Form-V:
    Verification Certificate from the Director of Information and Publicity, Puducherry.
  • Additional Supporting Documents:
    Any other documents as specified in the guidelines.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who is considered a “Media Person” under the Scheme?
    A “Media Person” is defined as an individual who has served for at least five years in designated roles such as Editor, Reporter, Sub-Editor, Press Photographer, Correspondent, or equivalent positions in news agencies and electronic media.

  • How much financial assistance is granted?
    Eligible applicants can receive financial assistance up to ₹15,000/- per month, subject to periodic revisions by the Government.

  • How is the disbursal of financial assistance handled?
    Disbursal is managed by the Member Secretary-cum-Director, who issues the funds after obtaining a receipt from the applicant (using Form-V).

  • Can Media Persons apply for financial assistance to purchase used computers?
    No. The scheme is strictly for the purchase of a brand new personal computer.

  • Is there a provision for updating the amount of financial assistance?
    Yes, the amount may be revised by the Government from time to time.

  • What is the role of the Regional Administrator in the selection process?
    The Regional Administrator assists in verifying the eligibility and processing the application as part of the overall review.

  • If an applicant has worked for 5 years in a media role outside Puducherry, can they still be considered eligible?
    Eligibility requires either native birth or continuous residence in Puducherry for not less than ten years.

  • Does the scheme require Media Persons to be currently employed, or can retired professionals also apply?
    The scheme primarily targets active media persons; however, specific eligibility criteria regarding employment status are detailed in the guidelines.

  • If a Media Person has changed their place of residence within Puducherry, does it affect their eligibility?
    As long as they meet the criteria for native or continuous residence, changes in residence within Puducherry do not affect eligibility.

Sources and References

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