Rajasthan Chief Minister Relief Fund: Up to ₹1,00,000 Assistance for Accident VictimsScheme StatusScheme Status

Launched in April 1999 by the Chief Minister’s Secretariat, Government of Rajasthan, the Rajasthan Chief Minister’s Relief Fund – Accident Assistance is designed to offer immediate financial support to the dependents of accident victims and those who suffer serious injuries. This scheme provides a one-time full-support relief package to help families cope with the aftermath of accidents, ensuring timely assistance for rehabilitation and recovery.


  • Death Assistance:
    A one-time financial relief of ₹1,00,000 is provided to the dependents (parents, spouse, or children) of a deceased accident victim.
  • Injury Assistance:
    Up to ₹20,000 is granted for serious injuries, based on the extent of harm.
  • Revolving Fund:
    A fund of ₹20,00,000 per district is made available to ensure rapid assistance.
  • One-Time Full Support:
    The relief is provided as a one-time lump sum to aid immediate rehabilitation.


  • Residency:
    The victim must be a resident of Rajasthan.
  • Incident:
    The victim should have suffered a serious injury or death due to an accident.
  • Dependents:
    In case of death, assistance is payable only to dependent family members (parents, spouse, or children). Under special circumstances, grandparents or dependent siblings may also be eligible with consent from the Chief Minister’s Office.
  • Exclusions:
    • Cases of murder and rape are covered under the Rajasthan Victim Compensation (Amended) Scheme-2015.
    • The scheme does not cover property loss due to fire or other causes.
    • No double assistance is allowed for the same case.
    • Assistance is not payable in cases of suicide.
    • If the family is already receiving support from other state government schemes, additional assistance from this fund will not be provided.
  • Time Limit:
    The application must be submitted within 6 months from the date of the accident (or from the date of death for accident-related fatalities under treatment).

Application Process

Offline Application Process

  1. Submission:
    Submit a letter requesting assistance along with the required self-attested documents. Applications can be sent via:
    • Official Email: [email protected]
    • In Person: To the concerned Tehsil/District Collector’s Office, or to the Chief Accounts Officer (CAO) at:
      Room No. 301, Chief Minister’s Office, Government Secretariat, Jaipur, Rajasthan – 302005.
  2. Corrections:
    If the application is incomplete, the applicant will be notified to make the necessary corrections.

Documents Required

  • Passport-Sized Photograph
  • Proof of Identity: (of both the applicant and the deceased, if applicable)
  • Residential Proof: (Domicile Certificate)
  • Medical Report: (of the injured – mandatory)
  • Post Mortem Report: (in case of death – mandatory) or, if mutilation of the dead body, the Satisfaction Certificate of the Inquest Officer (mandatory)
  • FIR Report: (mandatory)
  • Ration Card
  • Aadhaar Card
  • Bank Details: First page of Bank Account Passbook / Canceled Check or Photocopy
  • Income Certificate/Proof: (Proforma Link)
  • Treatment Estimate: (by the doctor)

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: When was the Rajasthan Chief Minister’s Relief Fund launched?
A1: The scheme was launched in April 1999.

Q2: What is the maximum financial assistance provided in case of death due to an accident?
A2: ₹1,00,000 is provided to the dependents of the deceased.

Q3: What is the maximum amount of financial assistance for serious injuries?
A3: Assistance of up to ₹20,000 is approved, depending on the seriousness of the injury.

Q4: What is the amount of the revolving fund available to district collectors?
A4: Each district collector has access to a revolving fund of ₹20,00,000.

Q5: Is the assistance provided as a lump sum or in installments?
A5: The assistance is provided as a one-time full support lump sum.

Q6: Who sanctions the financial assistance?
A6: The assistance is sanctioned by the concerned District Collector.

Q7: How can one apply to this scheme?
A7: Applications can be submitted either in person at the Tehsil/District Collector’s Office or via email at [email protected].

Q8: What documents are required to apply?
A8: Applicants must submit a passport-sized photograph, identity proofs, residential proof, medical reports (or post mortem/satisfaction certificate for death cases), FIR report, ration card, Aadhaar card, bank details, income certificate/proof, and a treatment estimate.

Q9: What is the official email ID for the scheme?
A9: The official email ID is [email protected].

Q10: In what case is a Satisfaction Certificate of the Inquest Officer mandatory?
A10: A Satisfaction Certificate is required in cases where there is mutilation of the dead body.

Q11: Is the FIR report mandatory?
A11: Yes, the FIR report is mandatory for the application.

Q12: What is the address of the Chief Accounts Officer (CAO) of the Government of Rajasthan?
A12: The CAO can be reached at Room No. 301, Chief Minister’s Office, Government Secretariat, Jaipur, Rajasthan – 302005.

Sources and References

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