One Stop Centre Scheme: Support Services for Women Facing Violence

One Stop Centre (OSC) Scheme, launched by the Ministry of Women and Child Development, aims to provide integrated support and redressal services to women facing violence in private and public spaces. These centers address various forms of abuse—physical, sexual, emotional, psychological, and economic—under one roof.

The OSC caters to women and girls of all ages, irrespective of caste, class, religion, sexual orientation, or marital status.

Key Objectives

  1. To provide comprehensive support and assistance to women affected by violence.
  2. To facilitate immediate and emergency access to medical, legal, psychological, and counseling services.

Target Group

  • All women, including girls below 18 years, affected by violence in any form.
  • Girls under 18 years will be served in coordination with authorities under the Juvenile Justice Act, 2000 and POCSO Act, 2012.

Benefits and Services Offered

  1. Emergency Response and Rescue:
    • Rescue services and referral to medical facilities or shelter homes in collaboration with agencies like the National Health Mission (NHM), 108 services, and police (PCR Van).
  2. Medical Assistance:
    • Referral to the nearest hospital for medical aid/examination following the protocols of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
    • Provision of ambulance services if required.
  3. Police Assistance:
    • Support in filing FIR/NCR and assistance from police officers to ensure timely action.
  4. Psycho-social Support and Counseling:
    • Dedicated counselors to provide emotional and psychological support.
  5. Legal Aid and Counseling:
    • Assistance with legal processes, filing complaints, and ensuring justice for the aggrieved woman.
  6. Shelter Services:
    • Temporary shelter for up to 5 days for women and their children (girls of all ages and boys up to 8 years).
    • Long-term shelter arrangements through Swadhar Greh or Short Stay Homes.
  7. Video Conferencing Facility:
    • Online facilitation for police or court proceedings to reduce logistical challenges for women.


All women experiencing:

  • Physical abuse.
  • Sexual abuse.
  • Emotional or psychological abuse.
  • Economic exploitation.

Application Process

Accessing OSC Services:

  1. Direct Access:
    • The woman can visit the OSC herself.
  2. Through Others:
    • A relative, friend, NGO, volunteer, or any public servant can approach the OSC on her behalf.
  3. Integrated Helpline:
    • Via the Women Helpline connected with police, ambulance, and emergency services.

Documents Required

  • No documents are mandatory to access services.
  • A valid identification card may be carried if available.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. What Emergency Response Services are provided?
    • Rescue services, referral to medical facilities, and connections with police or shelter homes.
  2. What Medical Assistance is offered?
    • Immediate medical aid, ambulance provision, and examinations in nearby hospitals.
  3. What is the Shelter Service?
    • Temporary accommodation for up to 5 days, with arrangements for long-term shelter if needed.
  4. What is the Video Conferencing Facility?
    • Enables online interactions with police or courts, reducing travel and logistical challenges.

Contact Information

Women can contact the nearest One Stop Centre through the Women Helpline or approach directly. For further details, refer to the Scheme Guidelines provided by the Ministry of Women and Child Development.

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