Mukhyamantri Kanya Abhibhavak Pension Scheme: Benefits, EligibilityScheme StatusScheme Status

In India, it is a common tradition that a girl leaves her parental home after marriage and starts her own family. This often leaves parents, especially those with only daughters, without support in their old age. Recognizing the challenges faced by such couples, particularly those who have embraced family planning and do not have a son to rely on, the Madhya Pradesh government has implemented the Mukhyamantri Kanya Abhibhavak Pension Scheme. The scheme aims to provide social security to couples who have only daughters, ensuring financial support after they reach the age of 60.


  • Monthly Pension:
    Eligible couples receive a pension of Rs. 600/- per month.


  • Residency:
    The couple must be native to Madhya Pradesh.
  • Family Composition:
    The scheme is available only to couples who have an only daughter and no living son.
  • Age Requirement:
    Either member of the beneficiary couple must be 60 years of age or older.
  • Income Criterion:
    The beneficiary couple should not be income-tax payers.
  • Marital Status of Children:
    The children of the beneficiary couple should be daughters who are married.

Application Process

Offline / Online

  • For Rural Areas:
    Apply using the prescribed application form at the Gram Panchayat or District Panchayat of your original residence.
  • For Urban Areas:
    Submit the application at the office of the Municipal Corporation, Municipality, or Municipal Council.

Documents Required

  • Certificate for Only Girl Child:
    A certificate verifying that the couple has only a daughter and no living son.
  • Self-Declaration Certificate:
    A certificate stating that the beneficiary couple is not an income-tax payer.
  • Age and Residence Certificate:
    Documents verifying the age and residence of the beneficiaries.
  • Photograph:
    A joint photograph of the couple (or a single photograph in case of singles).
  • For Widows/Abandoned Women:
    A certificate of death of the husband issued by the competent authority, or an attested copy of the order issued by the Honorable Court for abandonment.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the purpose of the scheme?
    It aims to provide social security to couples with only daughters after their marriage.
  2. What is the benefit provided by the scheme?
    Eligible couples receive a monthly pension of Rs. 600/-.
  3. What are the eligibility criteria?
    The couple must be native to Madhya Pradesh, have only a daughter, be 60 years or older, and not be income-tax payers.
  4. What is the official site to apply online?
    Please refer to the departmental website for online application details.
  5. What are the required documents?
    Required documents include a certificate verifying an only girl child, a self-declaration certificate for non-taxation, an age and residence certificate, a joint photograph, and for widows or abandoned women, the relevant certificate of death or court order.

Sources and References

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