MMKY Scheme in Odisha: 60% Subsidy for Excavating Brackish Water Tanks for AquacultureScheme StatusScheme Status

The State Plan SchemeMMKY-New Tank Excavation Under Brackish Water Aquaculture” was launched by the Fisheries & Animal Resources Development Department, Government of Odisha under Mukhyamantri Maschyajibi Kalyan Yojana (MMKY). It aims to promote brackish water aquaculture among farmers and entrepreneurs by excavating new tanks (ponds) in coastal districts as per the Coastal Aquaculture Authority Act and its recent amendments. The scheme primarily focuses on enhancing shrimp and fish production, boosting coastal communities’ livelihoods and income, and increasing shrimp/fish exports.


• Enhance brackish water shrimp and fish production
• Improve the livelihoods and income of coastal communities
• Increase shrimp/fish exports from Odisha


The scheme provides subsidy assistance based on a model estimate for excavating new brackish water ponds of 1.00 Ha. with the following indicative cost structure:

Unit Cost and Subsidy Assistance: Model Estimate for ‘Excavation of New Brackish Water Ponds‘ of 1.00 Ha. Under the State Sector Umbrella Scheme – MMKY:
Sl. No. Capital Cost for 1.00 Ha. Water Area Quantity Rate (₹) Amount (₹) Subsidy Assistance (₹) Subsidy Assistance (₹)
A Item General (40%) SC/ST/ Women/ Transgender/ PwD (60%)
1 New tank of excavated area of 1.00 Ha. having 5 ft. depth 1 Ha Lump sum 6,00,000/- 2,40,000/- 3,60,000/-
2 Provision of Aerators 4 nos. 30,000/- 1,20,000/- 48,000/- 72,000/-
3 5 HP Pump 1 no 30,000/- 30,000/- 12,000/- 18,000/-
4 Bi- Security net Lump sum 50,000/- 20,000/- 30,000/-
Total 8,00,000/- 3,20,000/- 4,80,000/-
B Input cost for one crop for 1.00 Ha. water area
1 Seed (Shrimp Post Larvae) @ 20 pieces per cubic meter 2 Lakhs ₹0.40/Lakh 80,000/- 32,000/- 48,000/-
2 Feed 5000 Kg ₹80/Kg 4,00,000/- 1,60,000/- 2,40,000/-
3 Lime, fertilizer & Probiotics Lump Sum 40,000/- 16,000/- 24,000/-
4 Diesel 1000 lt ₹80/lt 80,000/- 32,000/- 48,000/-
Total 6,00,000/- 2,40,000/- 3,60,000/-
Grand Total for 1.00 Ha. (A+B) 14,00,000/- 5,60,000/- 8,40,000/-

• Subsidy is calculated on the actual cost incurred subject to the maximum limits specified.
General Category beneficiaries receive a 40% subsidy while SC/ST/Women/Transgender/PwD beneficiaries receive a 60% subsidy (Transgender/PwD not considered for PMMSY funds).
• The Government may enhance the subsidy percentage for beneficiaries receiving Go-ahead letters in FY 2023-24.

Mode of Financing and Training

• The scheme supports both bank finance and self-finance options.
Training and Skill Development programs are organized to disseminate technology, create awareness, and build capacity through sessions conducted by the Directorate of Fisheries, CIFA, BWTC, FTI, or at District/Zonal Levels.


• Must be a resident of Odisha with valid identity and residential proof (e.g., Aadhaar).
• Must have a bank account in Odisha.
• Must possess land free from encumbrances; documentary evidence such as a RoR or a lease agreement (minimum 7-year lease) is required.
• Beneficiaries who have not availed assistance under this component are eligible for a subsidy on up to 2.00 Ha. water spread area. Those who received earlier assistance for an area less than 2.00 Ha. may avail subsidy for the balance area, with an overall maximum of 2.00 Ha.
• The subsidy is granted to a beneficiary family; only one family member can receive benefits under this scheme.
• A family is ineligible if any member has received a subsidy under the same scheme in the last three years.
Preference is given for selection in cluster mode.

Application Process

Online & Offline
Registration Process:
Step 01: Register on the Go-Sugam Portal at by clicking “Register Now” and submitting mandatory details (Name, Email, Mobile Number, Address, and Password).
Step 02: Login credentials will be sent to your registered Email/Mobile.

Application Process:
Step 01: Visit
Step 02: Click on “Scheme & Services” and select the relevant scheme
Step 03: Click “Apply” and login at
Step 04: Fill in all mandatory fields, upload required documents (in appropriate file size/type), and submit the application to receive an Application Reference ID

Check Application Status:
Step 01: Click on the “Track Status” link on the menu
Step 02: Enter your Application ID or Mobile Number to view the status

Documents Required

Passport-size Photograph
Identification & Residential Proof: Aadhaar Card
Mobile Number: (Aadhaar linked mandatory)
Land Document: Photocopy of land ownership or lease agreement
Sketch Map of the plot/plots
Non-encumbrance Certificate
CAA Form-1: For registration of proposed land for brackish water aquaculture
Caste/Proof Certificate: For affirmative action (if applicable)
First Page of Bank Passbook: Photocopy
Copy of Lease Agreement: (if applicable, minimum 7-year lease)
Affidavit for Joint Ownership (RoR): Sworn before the Executive Magistrate
Disability Certificate: (if applicable, as per ‘The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016)
Certificate of Identity for Transgender Persons: Issued by the District Magistrate as per “The Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act, 2019”

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: What is the MMKY-New Tank Excavation Under Brackish Water Aquaculture scheme?
A: It is a state plan scheme to provide subsidy assistance for excavating new brackish water tanks to promote aquaculture, increase shrimp/fish production, and boost exports.

Q: What are the main objectives of the scheme?
A: To enhance aquaculture production, improve coastal livelihoods, and increase shrimp/fish exports.

Q: Where is the scheme implemented?
A: In the coastal districts of Odisha as per the Coastal Aquaculture Authority Act and its amendments.

Q: Who can benefit from the scheme?
A: Eligible beneficiaries are those residing in Odisha with suitable land for brackish water aquaculture, with a maximum subsidy available for up to 2.00 Ha. water spread area per beneficiary family.

Q: How is the subsidy calculated for beneficiaries?
A: Subsidy is based on the actual cost incurred, subject to maximum limits provided, with 40% assistance for General Category and 60% for SC/ST/Women/Transgender/PwD categories.

Q: What is the mode of financing for the scheme?
A: The scheme supports both bank finance and self-finance.

Q: Why is training and skill development emphasized under the scheme?
A: To generate awareness, disseminate farming technology, and attract stakeholders through training programs organized by the Directorate of Fisheries and associated agencies.

Q: What are the land requirements for eligibility?
A: The beneficiary must provide documentary evidence of suitable land (own or leased for a minimum of 7 years) and ensure it is free from encumbrances.

Q: Is there a limit on the water spread area for subsidy eligibility?
A: Yes, the maximum subsidy is applicable for up to 2.00 Ha. water spread area per beneficiary family.

Q: Can a beneficiary who has previously received a subsidy avail further benefits?
A: A beneficiary family cannot receive multiple benefits under the same scheme; if any member has received a subsidy in the last three years, they are ineligible.

Q: How is the eligibility of a family determined?
A: The scheme considers the beneficiary family as a unit; only one member per family is eligible for benefits.

Q: What preference is given for selection?
A: Preference is given to selection in cluster mode.

Q: How can an applicant apply under the scheme?
A: By registering and submitting the application online via the Go-Sugam Portal, along with required documents.

Sources and References

Official Website
Go Sugam Portal

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