Meghalaya Horti Hub Scheme: Training & Demonstration for High-Tech FloricultureScheme StatusScheme Status

The scheme “Maintenance of Horti Hubs” was launched by the Department of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare, Government of Meghalaya to procure high-quality, disease-free, and commercially accepted varieties of identified flowers. It also focuses on multiplying these varieties and maintaining horticultural hubs as demonstration and training centers for farmers interested in floriculture as a livelihood.


Pattern of Assistance: Organizing demonstration and training sessions on hi-tech floriculture for interested farmers, and renovating/repairing existing horticultural hubs
Type of Assistance: Demonstration and training services to promote best practices in floriculture


• Applicant must be a permanent resident of Meghalaya
• Applicant must be a bonafide farmer engaged in agriculture
• Applicant must own or lease land of at least 0.2 hectares

Application Process

Step 01: The eligible bonafide farmer writes an application on plain paper
Step 02: Attach copies of all mandatory documents (self-attested, if required)
Step 03: Submit the duly filled and signed application along with documents at the nearest office of the Horticulture Development Officer of the respective CD Block/Horticulture Circle
Mode of Selection: Beneficiaries are selected on a first come first serve basis

Documents Required

Passport-size Photograph
Identity Proof
Bank Passbook/Account Details
• Proof of own or leased land
• Any other documents as required

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: What is the objective of the scheme?
A: To procure quality, disease-free, commercially accepted flower varieties, and to establish horticultural hubs that serve as demonstration and training centers for floriculture.

Q: Which department has launched the scheme?
A: The scheme is launched by the Department of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare, Government of Meghalaya.

Q: What type of assistance/service is provided?
A: The scheme offers demonstration and training on hi-tech floriculture and supports the renovation/repair of existing horticultural hubs.

Q: What is the pattern of assistance?
A: It involves organizing training sessions and renovating existing horticultural hubs for demonstration purposes.

Q: Who can apply for the scheme?
A: Only bonafide farmers who are permanent residents of Meghalaya and who own or lease at least 0.2 hectares of land.

Q: How does one apply for the scheme?
A: By writing an application on plain paper, attaching the required documents, and submitting it to the nearest Horticulture Development Officer at the CD Block/Horticulture Circle office.

Q: What is the beneficiaries’ selection procedure?
A: Beneficiaries are selected on a first come first serve basis.

Q: Whom should be contacted for further queries?
A: Contact the District Horticulture Officer or the Horticulture Development Officer.

Sources and References

Official Website

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