Maharishi Valmiki Sampoorn Swachata Puraskar (MVSSP): Rewards, Eligibility

Competition launched by Himachal Pradesh Rural Development Department under Swachh Bharat Mission (Grameen). This innovative initiative promotes safe sanitation and eliminates open defecation in rural regions by rewarding the cleanest Gram Panchayats at block, district, division, and state levels. With monetary rewards ranging from ₹10,00,000 to ₹10,00,000, the MVSSP encourages rural communities to maintain good cleanliness standards.

Benefits of the Scheme

  • The block level winner gets a cash award of ₹ 1,00,000.
  • The prize money at the district level has increased to ₹3,00,000. If the district has over 300 Gram Panchayats, two may be given.
  • Division Level: Winner wins ₹5,000,000 cash reward.
    At the state level, the top reward is a cash prize of ₹10,000,000.

Gram Panchayats trying to improve sanitation by keeping their surroundings clean and sanitary using these rewards.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Open Defecation-Free (ODF) Status: To get Open Defecation-Free (ODF) certification, the Gram Panchayat must have attained it.
  • Previous Winners: Any Gram Panchayat that wins an award cannot compete at the same level for three years. In later years, a block champion might participate at the district level.  (e.g., a block winner can compete at the district level in the subsequent years).
  • State-Level Winner: Gram Panchayats that win the state-level prize cannot participate in the same competition for three years.


  • Non-ODF Gram Panchayats:
    Gram Panchayats that have not achieved ODF status are ineligible to participate in the MVSSP competition.
  • Previous Level Winners:
    Gram Panchayats that have won at a specific level (block, district, division, or state) are not eligible for the same level award for the next three years.

Application Process (Offline)

  1. Gram Panchayat Resolution:
    The Gram Panchayat must pass a resolution expressing its intention to participate in the MVSSP competition.
  2. Submit Application Form:
    It is submitted on or before 23rd April every year to the Block Development Officer (BDO). An attestation of three members and the head of the Gram Panchayat is required on the form.
  3. Scrutiny by BDO:
    The Block Development Officer (BDO) reviews the applications for completeness and eligibility.
  4. Referral to DRDA:
    The District Rural Development Agency (DRDA) processes applications from the BDO.
  5. Assessment and Decision:
    Evaluation committees at various levels (block, district, division, and state) assess the Gram Panchayats based on prescribed criteria. Winners are selected and awarded prizes at their respective levels.

Documents Required

  1. Gram Panchayat Resolution
  2. Completed Application Form
  3. Proof of Open Defecation-Free Status
    (Certificates or documents confirming ODF status)
  4. Supporting Documents:
    (Photographs, reports, or testimonials demonstrating sanitation efforts)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. What is MVSSP?
    The state-level MVSSP competition honors the cleanest Gram Panchayats (block, district, division, and state) for their sanitation and cleanliness.
  2. Who may compete in MVSSP?
    Any Gram Panchayat with ODF status may participate.
  3. Can a Gram Panchayat participate if it won a lower-level award?
    No, Gram Panchayats that win an award at any level cannot compete at the same level for three years but may compete at a higher level.
  4. How are MVSSP competition assessments done?
    Committees at each level (block, district, division, and state) examine cleanliness and sanitation using established criteria.
  5. What are winners’ prizes?
    Winners get cash rewards from ₹1,000,000 to ₹10,000,000 at the block, district, division, and state levels.
  6. Can a state-winning Gram Panchayat compete again?
    The winning Gram Panchayat cannot participate for three years after winning the state prize.

Sources and References

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