Apply for Immediate Financial Assistance in Case of Accident for Construction Workers in ManipurScheme StatusScheme Status

The “Immediate Assistance in Case of Accident to the Beneficiary” scheme, launched by the Manipur Building & Other Construction Workers’ Welfare Board, aims to provide financial aid to registered building workers who suffer accidents, disabilities, or death due to accidents. The scheme offers immediate support for hospitalization and further assistance in cases of permanent disability or death resulting from such incidents.


Financial Assistance for Hospitalization

  • For the first 5 days: ₹5,000/-
  • For subsequent days: ₹500 per day, up to a maximum of ₹15,000/-

Financial Assistance for Disability Due to Accident

  • Up to 25% disability: ₹25,000/-
  • Up to 50% disability: ₹50,000/-
  • Above 50% disability: ₹1,00,000/-

Financial Assistance for Death

  • Accidental Death: ₹1,00,000/- is provided to the nominees or dependents.
  • Death During Employment Due to an Accident: ₹2,00,000/- is provided to the nominees or dependents.
  • Additional Assistance: ₹5,000/- is provided to the kin of the deceased worker or to the worker in the event of a dependent’s death.


For Accidental Cases

  • The construction worker must be registered under the Manipur Building and Other Construction Workers’ Welfare Board.
  • The worker should not be covered by the Group Insurance Scheme undertaken by the Board.

For Accidental Death

  • The applicant must be the nominee or dependent of the deceased construction worker.
  • The deceased worker should be registered with the Board and should not be covered by the Group Insurance Scheme.

For Disability Due to Accident

  • The construction worker must be registered under the Board.
  • The worker must have suffered a disability due to an accident.
  • The worker should not be covered by the Group Insurance Scheme.

Application Process

Offline Process

  1. Obtain the Application Form:

    • Visit the Manipur Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board during office hours.
    • Request a hard copy of the prescribed application form from the designated staff, or download the form from the official website.
  2. Complete the Form:

    • Fill in all mandatory fields and attach self-attested copies of all required documents.
  3. Submit the Application:

    • Submit the completed and signed application form along with the documents to the Labour Board Inspector.
  4. Obtain Acknowledgement:

    • Request a receipt or acknowledgement from the Labour Board Inspector, ensuring it contains details such as the date and time of submission and a unique identification number (if applicable).

Documents Required

  • Certificate of Registration.
  • Payment Receipt of the Last Contribution.
  • Calculation Sheet for the medical expenses incurred.
  • Medical Certificate (indicating disability for accident assistance or confirming accidental death).
  • Death Certificate (for funeral expenses/accidental death cases).
  • Aadhaar Card of both the applicant and the construction worker.
  • First Page of Bank Passbook.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who is eligible for accident-related benefits?
    Only construction workers registered under the Manipur Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board, and not covered by the Group Insurance Scheme, are eligible.

  • Are workers injured but recovering at home eligible for assistance?
    Assistance is primarily provided to workers hospitalized for five or more days due to an accident.

  • Can dependents apply for death benefits?
    Yes, nominees or dependents of a deceased construction worker are eligible to apply for death-related benefits.

  • Is there any insurance coverage for building workers?
    Workers covered by the Group Insurance Scheme are not eligible for this financial assistance.

  • What is the funeral assistance offered?
    A designated financial assistance of ₹1,00,000/- or ₹2,00,000/- is provided to the dependents depending on the nature of the death, along with an additional ₹5,000/- for kin in certain cases.

  • How can one apply for financial assistance?
    Applications must be submitted offline by obtaining the form either in person or via the official website, and then submitting it with the required documents to the Labour Board Inspector.

  • Is there any coverage for daily wage loss during the hospital stay?
    The scheme specifically covers hospitalization costs, not daily wage losses.

  • What if a worker dies in a non-work-related accident?
    This scheme is applicable only for accidents related to work, as determined by the Board’s guidelines.

  • What documents are needed for disability benefits?
    Required documents include a medical certificate, certificate of registration, contribution receipts, Aadhaar, bank passbook, and any additional documents as specified.

  • What is the maximum financial assistance for hospitalization?
    The maximum amount for hospitalization is ₹15,000/-.

Sources and References

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