General Bpl Student Scholarship MP 2025 class 6 to 8: Amount, Apply Online

The government of Madhya Pradesh’s School Education Department launched the General Poor Class Scholarship Program. The program offers financial aid to children in Classes 6–8 who attend government schools and come from lower-income groups in society. Students from BPL families who make less than ₹1,00,000 annually are eligible for the grant.


  • To Girl Students: ₹300 per year
  • To Boy Students: ₹200 per year
  • The amount of scholarship gets credited directly in the bank account of the student.


Students would be eligible only who fall under this General Poor Class Scholarship scheme as guided below:

  • Domicile: The applicant needs to be a permanent resident of Madhya Pradesh.
  • Class Category: The applicant must be in Class 6 to 8.
  • Institution: The student shall be studying in a government institution.
  • BPL Category: He/she shall fall under the category of Below Poverty Line.
  • Income of Family: The total annual income of his family shall be less than ₹1,00,000.
  • Last Academic Record: He must pass the last class.


Offline Application:

  • Eligible students are required to submit an application by approaching the respective government school authorities to the concerned principal.
  • The school authorities will enter the student’s profile on the official Education Portal at based upon the records and certificates submitted by the student.

Documents Required

The following documents will be required at the time of applying:

  • Passport-size photograph
  • Aadhaar Card
  • Domicile Certificate of Madhya Pradesh
  • BPL Category Certificate or Ration Card
  • Marksheet of the last attended class
  • Income Certificate
  • Samagra ID
  • Bank Passbook
  • Any Other Documents as deemed necessary

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. For whom is this scholarship open?
    This scholarship is awarded to government school pupils in Classes 6–8 whose family income is below the Below Poverty Line (BPL) and who make less than ₹1,00,000 annually.
  2. How does one go about applying for this scholarship?
    He/She has to apply through Shiksha Portal and meet the principal of their government school in which they wish to study
  3. Is any prerequisite related to academic performance, to be considered for this scholarship?
    Yes. For eligibility, the student is expected to pass the previous class.
  4. What benefits are included in this scholarship?
    Female students: ₹300 annually
    Students who are boys: ₹200 annually
  5. How are the scholarship funds awarded to students?
    The student’s bank account receives a direct credit for the scholarship amount.
  6. Does this grant apply to students from other states?
    No, only Madhya Pradesh permanent residents are eligible for this scholarship.
  7. Are pupils who attend private schools eligible for this grant?
    No, only kids enrolled in government schools are eligible for this reward.
  8. What is the application process for this scholarship?
    The kid needs to talk to the principal of their particular government school and file an application through the Shiksha Portal.

Sources and References

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