Funeral Assistance for Construction Workers: Apply Online in ChandigarhScheme StatusScheme Status

The “Funeral Assistance” scheme is initiated by the Chandigarh Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board (CBOCWWB) under the Labour Department, Chandigarh. This scheme provides financial assistance to the legal heirs of registered workers who have passed away. It is designed to help cover funeral and related expenses when a registered worker dies, ensuring that the family receives prompt and essential support.


  • Financial Assistance:
    Legal heirs receive a one-time financial assistance of ₹5,000 upon the death of a registered worker.


  • The deceased worker must have been working at an establishment registered under the Punjab Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1965.
  • Contributions to the labour welfare fund should have been regularly received by the board.
  • The deceased worker must have been a member of the Board for at least the last six months prior to death.
  • Financial assistance is provided only on the production of a death certificate issued by a competent authority.
  • Applications for Funeral Assistance must be submitted within three months from the date of death.

Application Process


  1. Visit the Official Website:
    Navigate to the Labour Department Chandigarh website at
  2. Select Scheme:
    On the homepage, select the ‘FUNERAL ASSISTANCE’ scheme under the Grant of Welfare Schemes for Chandigarh Labour Welfare Board workers.
  3. Apply/Register:
    Scroll down and click on “Click here to Apply/Register”. You may also refer to the user manual by clicking on “Click here for User Manual”.
  4. Registration:
    If you are not registered, click “register yourself” to open the ServicePlus window/page and complete the registration process.
  5. Login and Application:
    • Click on “Apply for Service” and log in using your ServicePlus credentials (User ID and Password).
    • You will be automatically redirected to the online application page.
  6. Fill the Application Form:
    • Complete the form by providing your personal details, selecting the Funeral Assistance scheme, and filling in your workplace details.
    • Click on “Self-Declaration” and fill in any additional required details.
  7. Verification and Submission:
    • Enter the verification code/Captcha and click “Submit”.
    • Preview your filled details and click on “Attach Annexure”.
    • Upload all mandatory documents and click “Save Annexure”.
    • After verifying all details, click the “Submit” button.
  8. Acknowledgment:
    • Print the generated Acknowledgement Receipt for your records.
    • To track your application status, log in with your User ID and Password on the official website, then click “Track Application Status” and fill in the required details.

Documents Required

  1. Passport-size photograph.
  2. Copy of the Aadhaar card of the deceased registered worker.
  3. Death Certificate issued by a competent authority.
  4. Copy of the BOCW Card of the deceased worker.
  5. Bank account details/Bank passbook.
  6. A copy of the salary slip of the deceased registered worker.
  7. Any other relevant documents.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the Funeral Assistance scheme?
    It is a scheme to provide financial assistance of ₹5,000 to the legal heirs of registered workers upon the death of the worker.
  2. Who is eligible to receive the financial assistance?
    Legal heirs of a deceased worker registered under the CBOCWWB who meets the eligibility criteria are eligible.
  3. What is the financial assistance provided under the scheme?
    The scheme provides a one-time financial assistance of ₹5,000.
  4. Who is eligible for the Funeral Assistance Scheme?
    The scheme applies to legal heirs of workers who were members of the Board for at least six months and whose death is supported by a valid death certificate.
  5. Is there a time limit for applying for Funeral Assistance?
    Yes, applications must be submitted within three months from the date of the worker’s death.
  6. Can legal heirs apply if the deceased worker was not a member of the Board for the last six months?
    No, the deceased worker must have been a member for at least the last six months.
  7. Can legal heirs apply for financial assistance without a death certificate?
    No, submission of a valid death certificate issued by a competent authority is mandatory.
  8. How do I apply under the scheme?
    You can apply online by following the steps outlined above on the Labour Department Chandigarh website.

Sources and References

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