The scheme “Free Supply of Notebooks to the Children of Poor Widows” was launched by the Social Welfare and Nutritious Meal Programme Department, Government of Tamil Nadu. The scheme aims to supply notebooks to children of poor widows studying up to higher secondary courses. The scheme has been extended to children in govt. children’s homes and service homes.
- Note Books are supplied free of cost as per the following structure:
Class Standard | Value of Notebooks Provided (per child per annum) |
1st to 2nd Standard | ₹50/- |
3rd to 5th Standard | ₹125/- |
6th to 8th Standard | ₹175/- |
9th to 10th Standard | ₹300/- |
11th to 12th Standard | ₹600/- |
Eligibility Criteria
- The applicant must be a child of a poor widow.
- The applicant must be a student enrolled in higher secondary education.
- The applicant’s family income should not exceed ₹24,000/- per annum.
Application Process
Offline Process
- Visit the Relevant Office: The applicant (or guardian) should visit the District Social Welfare Officer, Extension Officer (SW), or Rural Welfare Officer (Women) during office hours.
- Obtain the Application Form: Request a hard copy of the prescribed application form from the concerned officer.
- Fill and Attach Required Documents: Complete the application form and attach self-attested copies of mandatory documents.
- Submit the Application Form: The duly filled and signed application form along with the required documents should be submitted to the District Social Welfare Officer/Extension Officer (SW)/Rural Welfare Officer (Women).
- Obtain Acknowledgment Receipt: Request a receipt or acknowledgment containing details like date of submission, time, and unique identification number (if applicable).
Documents Required
- Widow Certificate (Proof of widowhood of the applicant’s mother).
- Necessary Certificate from the Government Children’s Home / Service Home (if applicable).
- Recommendation Certificate issued by the Headmaster/Headmistress of the school with details of the class in which the student is enrolled.
- Any other document as required by the authorities.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1: What is the primary objective of this scheme?
A1: The scheme aims to provide free notebooks to economically backward children of widows for their education up to higher secondary level.
Q2: Is this scheme covered for children in government children’s homes?
A2: Yes, the scheme has been extended to children residing in government children’s homes and service homes.
Q3: When are the benefits of the scheme provided to the children?
A3: The notebooks are distributed annually before or at the beginning of the academic year.
Q4: Are there any age restrictions for children to be able to claim under this scheme?
A4: The scheme can be availed by students till higher secondary level (Class 12).
Q5: What officers can be contacted for additional information on the scheme?
A5: One can contact the District Social Welfare Officer, Extension Officer (SW), or Rural Welfare Officer (Women) for assistance and further details.
Q6: What is the probable time frame between the making of an application and its disposal?
A6: Applications are to be disposed of within a reasonable time before the start of the academic year.
Q7: To whom should grievance of the scheme at district level be reported?
A7: Complaint has to be made to the District Social Welfare Officer.
Q8: Against whom should one go for an issue at state level for this scheme?
A8: For an issue at state level, one can go to the Social Welfare and Nutritious Meal Programme Department, Government of Tamil Nadu.
Q9: Who is the income limit for an individual to avail themselves of the scheme?
A9: The family’s annual income should not be above ₹24,000/-.
Q10: Is there any recommendation from the school required for applying?
A10: A headmaster/headmistress certificate proving the student’s current class and admission is necessary.
Sources and References