Financial Assistance for Disabled Ex-Servicemen: Mobility Equipment Support Scheme

To help disabled ex-servicemen who served in the military and became disabled after retirement due to accidents or other causes, the Ministry of Defense’s Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare launched the “Financial Assistance For Procuring Mobility Equipment To Disabled Ex-Servicemen (All Ranks)” program. In order for disabled Veterans to have fulfilling lives after retirement, the program offers funding for the purchase of mobility devices such wheelchairs, crutches, and modified scooters.
This support will be especially helpful for ESMs who are limited to 50% or more and cannot purchase the mobility gear they need. The Armed Forces Flag Day Fund (AFFDF) provides the funding for this assistance.


  • Financial aid for the purchase of mobility equipment up to ₹1,00,000.
  • After ten years from the date of the prior mobility equipment purchase, eligible individuals may reapply for new equipment.


  • The candidate needs to be an ESM (Ex-Serviceman).
  • After retiring, the petitioner must have developed a disability.
  • 50% or more of the person must be disabled.
  • No analogous program from the Army, Navy, or Air Force should cover the applicant.
  • The relevant Zila Sainik Board (ZSB) must recommend the application.
  • The applicant must be able to use the mobility equipment on their own.

Application Process


  • Registration Form: The candidate needs to upload all required documents and complete the registration form.
  • Send in the Form: Deliver the filled-out registration form to the appropriate Zila Sainik Board (ZSB) together with self-attested copies of the necessary paperwork.
  • Submission Confirmation: Get an acknowledgment or receipt from the relevant authorities that includes information on the submission date and identification number.

Post-Application Process

  1. The Zila Sainik Welfare Office (ZSWO) will scrutinize the application.
  2. The verified application will be forwarded to the Kendriya Sainik Board (KSB) Secretariat for payment processing.
  3. The application data will be entered into the system and verified.
  4. The case will be reviewed by the JD (Welfare) for approval from the Secretary, KSB.
  5. Upon approval, the payment will be processed.

Track Application Status

  1. Visit the Kendriya Sainik Board (KSB) official website.
  2. Click on “Status of Application”.
  3. Enter your DAK ID and verification code, and click “Search” to check the application status.

Documents Required

  • Discharge Book/Document/Certificate of the applicant.
  • ESM Identity Card.
  • Documentary evidence showing the nature of activity leading to disability.
  • Disability Certificate issued by Armed Forces Medical Authority.
  • Financial estimate for a modified scooter from an authorized dealer, including specifications.
  • Bank Account Details (PNB/SBI only), including IFS Code.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • After ten years, how will a new piece of mobility equipment be reappropriated?
    By completing the application process and providing the necessary paperwork, the candidate can reapply for new mobility equipment after ten years.
  • Does the kind of mobility equipment that can be purchased have any restrictions?
    Indeed, the mobility equipment ought to be appropriate and fulfill the requirements listed in the authorized dealer’s financial estimate. 
  • How do applicants check the status of their applications?
    Applicants can check the status of their applications on the Kendriya Sainik Board website by using their DAK ID and verification code.
  • How does the Kendriya Sainik Board process applications?
    Application Forms are submitted before the ZSWO. Once reviewed, then it is transferred to the KSB for processing. Data from the application gets verified, then the case will be presented and approved before receiving the payment amount. 
  • What forms are required at the time of application?
    A Discharge Book, ESM Identity Card, Disability Certificate, Financial estimation from an Authorized Dealer,  Bank Account details 
  • How much financial aid one can receive by this scheme?
    Financial assistance of up to ₹1,00,000 will be provided towards procurement of mobility equipment. 
  • Who is eligible?
    Ex Servicemen permanently disabled with an invalidation of 50% or more and were not receiving any such benefit. 
  • What is the URL of the Official Website of Kendriya Sainik Board (KSB)?
    The official website of KSB is:

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