Meghalaya Family Pension Scheme: Eligibility, Benefits, and ApplicationScheme StatusScheme Status

The “Family Pension” scheme is a social security initiative implemented by the Meghalaya Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board (MBOCWWB), under the Labour Department, Government of Meghalaya. In the event of the death of a registered construction worker who was receiving a pension from the Board, a family pension is provided to the surviving spouse to help with their financial security.


  • Family Pension Amount:
    The surviving spouse is entitled to a family pension equal to 50% of the pension previously received by the deceased worker, or ₹100, whichever is higher.


  • Residency:
    The beneficiary must be a resident of Meghalaya.
  • Relationship:
    The beneficiary should be the surviving spouse of the deceased worker.
  • Pension Status:
    The deceased worker must have been receiving a pension from the Meghalaya Building & Other Construction Workers Welfare Board.
  • Exclusivity:
    The surviving spouse should not be receiving any pension or salary from any Government, Semi-Government, or Private Organization.

Application Process

Online & Offline

Online Registration Process (Portal):

  1. Visit the Portal:
    Go to
  2. Register:
    • Click on “Register” and complete all mandatory fields.
    • Click “Submit” and validate your Email ID and Mobile Number using the OTP received.
    • After successful registration, you will see the message “Registered Successfully.”

Application Process for Family Pension:

  1. Login:
    • Log in using your User ID (Registered Mobile Number), Password, and Security Code.
  2. Select Scheme:
    • On the Dashboard, click on the “Family Pension” scheme.
  3. Fill and Submit Application:
    • Complete all required information and upload the necessary enclosures.
    • Click “Submit” to apply for benefits.

Application Tracking/Update:

  1. Track Status:
    • Log in to the portal.
    • Click on “Track Application Status,” then “View Details” to check your application.
    • You can also view “Application History” or click “Update” if updates are allowed (note: once the application is processed, it cannot be updated).

(Refer to the Worker’s User Manual for detailed instructions.)

Documents Required

  • Identity Proof of the Applicant.
  • MBOCWWB ID Card of the deceased worker/pensioner.
  • Medical Death Certificate issued by the Chief Medical Officer.
  • Officer’s Certificate verifying the relationship between the applicant and the deceased worker.
  • Officer’s Certificate stating that the applicant is not receiving any pension from Government/Semi-Government/Private Organization.
  • Officer’s Certificate stating that the applicant is not receiving any salary from Government/Semi-Government/Private Organization.
  • Challan/Receipt of all monthly subscriptions paid.
  • Bank Account Details/Bank Passbook.
  • Any other documents as required by the authorities.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Who administers the scheme?
    The scheme is administered by the Meghalaya Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board (MBOCWWB) under the Labour Department, Government of Meghalaya.
  2. Who is eligible to receive benefits under the scheme?
    The surviving spouse of a deceased worker who was receiving a pension from the Board is eligible.
  3. How is the amount of family pension determined?
    The pension is 50% of the pension previously received by the deceased worker, or ₹100, whichever is higher.
  4. Are there any specific eligibility criteria for the surviving spouse?
    Yes, the surviving spouse must not be receiving any other pension or salary from any Government, Semi-Government, or Private Organization.
  5. How does one apply for the Family Pension Scheme?
    Applications can be submitted online via the MBOCWWB portal or offline at the designated offices.
  6. Can the application be tracked?
    Yes, applicants can track their application status through the online portal.

Sources and References

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