Doodh Sanjivani Scheme: Nutritional Support for Children & Mothers in Gujarat

Launched by the mothers and Child Development Department, Gujarat, the “Doodh Sanjivani Scheme” aims to raise the nutritional level of mothers and children in undeveloped tribal areas. Targeting children aged six months to six years as well as registered pregnant and nursing moms at Anganwadi facilities, the project aims. It covers 138 tribal and developing communities in 20 districts and is implemented through Anganwadi centers.


  • Nutritional Support for Children:
    Children aged 6 months to 6 years receive 100 ml of fortified flavored milk, 5 days a week.
  • Nutritional Support for Mothers:
    Pregnant and lactating mothers receive 200 ml of fortified flavored milk, 2 days a week.


  • For Children:
    The child must be aged between 6 months and 6 years and registered at an Anganwadi center.
  • For Pregnant and Lactating Mothers:
    The mother must be pregnant or lactating and registered at an Anganwadi center.

Application Process


  1. Step 1: Visit the nearest Anganwadi center.
  2. Step 2: Register yourself or your child with the Anganwadi center.
  3. Step 3: Provide the required documents.
  4. Step 4: Avail the benefits of the scheme during the scheduled distribution days.

Documents Required

  • For Children:
    Birth proof for the child.
  • For Pregnant Mothers:
    Pregnancy proof (e.g., medical certificate).
  • For Both:
    Identity proof (e.g., Aadhaar card or ration card).
    Any other document as required.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the main objective of the “Doodh Sanjivani Scheme”?
    The main objective is to improve the nutritional status of children and women, particularly in tribal and underdeveloped communities, by providing fortified flavored milk.
  2. Who is eligible for the scheme?
    Children aged 6 months to 6 years and pregnant or lactating mothers who are registered at Anganwadi centers.
  3. What type of milk is provided under the scheme?
    The scheme provides fortified flavored milk.
  4. How much milk do children receive under the scheme?
    Children receive 100 ml of milk 5 days a week.
  5. How much milk do pregnant and lactating mothers receive?
    Pregnant and lactating mothers receive 200 ml of milk 2 days a week.
  6. Is there any cost to avail of the benefits of the scheme?
    No, the milk is provided free of cost to eligible beneficiaries.
  7. Where can beneficiaries access the benefits of the scheme?
    The benefits can be availed from the Anganwadi centers where beneficiaries are registered.
  8. Does the scheme have an income limit for eligibility?
    No, the scheme does not have an income limit. The eligibility is based on age and registration at an Anganwadi center.
  9. How can beneficiaries register for the scheme?
    Beneficiaries can register at the nearest Anganwadi center by providing the required documents.
  10. Can children who are not registered at an Anganwadi center benefit from the scheme?
    No, the children must be registered at an Anganwadi center to receive the benefits.
  11. In how many districts is the Doodh Sanjivani Scheme implemented?
    The scheme is implemented in 20 districts in Gujarat, covering 138 tribal and developing communities.
  12. What should beneficiaries do if they need more information about the scheme?
    Beneficiaries should contact their local Anganwadi center for further information.

Sources And References

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