Uttarakhand Divyang Marriage Incentive Grant – Eligibility, ₹25000 & ApplicationScheme StatusScheme Status

The Divyang Boys/ Girls Marriage Incentive Grant is a social security initiative by the Social Welfare Department, Government of Uttarakhand. This scheme is designed to provide financial assistance of ₹25,000 to couples where a young woman or man marries a Divyang (person with disability) partner. The grant aims to encourage inclusive marriages and support the financial needs of such couples.


  • Financial Support: A cash incentive of ₹25,000 is provided to eligible couples.
  • Social Inclusion: Promotes and supports marriages involving persons with disabilities.
  • Empowerment: Helps reduce financial barriers for families entering an inclusive marital union.


For the Boys (Groom)

  • Must be a citizen of India.
  • Must be a permanent resident of Uttarakhand or have been domiciled in the state for at least five years.
  • Either the youth or his partner must belong to the PWD category with at least 40% disability.
  • Must not be convicted in a criminal case or facing charges of molestation or any other criminal activity.
  • Must be at least 21 years and not more than 45 years of age at the time of marriage.
  • Must be married according to prevailing social customs or through a legally solemnized marriage by a competent court.
  • Must not be an income tax payer.
  • Must not have a pre-existing wife.

For the Girls (Bride)

  • Must be a citizen of India.
  • Must be a permanent resident of Uttarakhand or have been domiciled in the state for at least five years.
  • Either the girl or her partner must belong to the PWD category with at least 40% disability.
  • Must not be convicted in a criminal case.
  • Must be at least 18 years and not more than 45 years of age at the time of marriage.
  • Must be married according to prevailing social customs or through a legally solemnized marriage by a competent court.
  • Must not be an income tax payer.
  • Must not have a pre-existing husband.

Application Process

Offline Application

  1. Obtain the Form:
    • Collect the prescribed application format from the nearest office of the Assistant Social Welfare Officer.
  2. Fill the Form:
    • Complete the form with all mandatory details and attach the required documents (attested if needed).
  3. Submit the Application:
    • Submit the filled-in form to the nearest office of the Assistant Social Welfare Officer.
  4. Receipt:
    • Ensure you obtain a receipt or acknowledgment that includes the date, time, and a unique identification number (if applicable).

Documents Required

  • Aadhar Card of both the bride and groom.
  • Disability Certificate.
  • Photocopy of Unique Disability ID Card (UDID) – applicants may need to apply for this if not already obtained.
  • Certificate of Permanent Residence/ Proof of Residence in Uttarakhand for at least five years.
  • Photocopy of Bank Account Statement.
  • Photocopy of Marriage Registration Certificate.
  • Self-declaration of not being an income tax payer.
  • Self-declaration of not being involved in any criminal activities.
  • Self-declaration of not having a pre-existing spouse.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What is the objective of the “Divyang Youth/ Girl Marriage Incentive Grant”?
A1: The scheme aims to support and encourage inclusive marriages by providing financial assistance to couples where one partner is a person with disability.

Q2: Which department has launched this scheme?
A2: The scheme is launched by the Social Welfare Department, Government of Uttarakhand.

Q3: Who are the targeted beneficiaries under this scheme?
A3: The scheme targets young boys (grooms) and girls (brides) marrying a partner who belongs to the PWD category with at least 40% disability.

Q4: What kind of financial assistance can be availed through this scheme?
A4: Eligible beneficiaries receive a cash grant of ₹25,000.

Q5: What is the age criteria for the youths and girls?
A5: Boys must be between 21 and 45 years, while girls must be between 18 and 45 years of age at the time of marriage.

Q6: What is the income criteria for the beneficiaries?
A6: Beneficiaries should not be income tax payers, ensuring that the scheme supports those with modest financial means.

Q7: From where can the application format be collected?
A7: The prescribed application form can be collected from the nearest office of the Assistant Social Welfare Officer.

Q8: Where should the completed application be submitted?
A8: The completed form should be submitted at the nearest office of the Assistant Social Welfare Officer.

Sources and References

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