Arunachal Pradesh Death Benefit Scheme: Labour Card death claim ₹50,000 to ₹1,00,000Scheme StatusScheme Status

The Death Benefit Scheme is an initiative by the Department of Labour and Employment, Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh. Implemented through the Arunachal Pradesh Building & Other Construction Workers Welfare Board (APB&OCWWB), this scheme is designed to provide financial relief to the families of registered workers who lose their primary breadwinner either due to natural causes or accidents.


  • Financial Support for Families:
    • Normal Death: Cash assistance of ₹50,000/-.
    • Accidental Death: Cash assistance of ₹1,00,000/-.
  • Mitigation of Economic Loss:
    Provides financial relief to families suffering from the loss of their breadwinner.
  • Targeted Assistance:
    Specifically benefits registered construction workers and their dependents.


To qualify for the Death Benefit Scheme, the following criteria must be met:

  1. The applicant must be a permanent resident of Arunachal Pradesh.
  2. The applicant should be a family member of a deceased worker employed in building and other construction works.
  3. The deceased worker must have been registered with the APB&OCWWB.
  4. The deceased worker must have had an active membership at the time of death.
  5. The nominee or dependent’s name should have been recorded on the worker’s registration card before the death.

Application Process

Offline Application Process

  1. Visit the Registered Office:
    The applicant must visit the nearest registered office of the District/Sub-Division of APB&OCWWB with all relevant documents.
  2. Obtain Application Form:
    Request the prescribed application form from the concerned office.
  3. Complete and Submit:
    Fill in the application form completely, attach all relevant documents, and submit it to the office.
  4. Verification and Disbursement:
    After successful verification, the benefit is disbursed to the eligible nominee.

Documents Required

  • Identity Proof: (e.g., Aadhaar Card, Voter ID)
  • Registration Card: Xerox and original copy of the worker’s registration card.
  • Death Certificate
  • Bank Account Details: Bank account number or the front page of the passbook.
  • Passport-Sized Photographs
  • Address Proof

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What is the objective of the scheme?
A1: To provide financial relief to the families of registered construction workers in Arunachal Pradesh who suffer economic loss due to the demise of the breadwinner.

Q2: By which department was this scheme launched?
A2: The scheme was launched by the Department of Labour and Employment, Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh.

Q3: What is the full form of APB&OCWWB?
A3: APB&OCWWB stands for Arunachal Pradesh Building & Other Construction Workers Welfare Board.

Q4: How much cash assistance will be given to the nominee in case of normal death?
A4: In case of normal death, ₹50,000/- is provided to the nominee.

Q5: How much cash assistance will be given to the nominee in case of accidental death?
A5: In case of accidental death, ₹1,00,000/- is provided to the nominee.

Q6: Who is eligible under this scheme?
A6: The scheme is available to families of registered construction workers whose names are recorded in the APB&OCWWB at the time of the worker’s death.

Q7: Was it mandatory to have registered under the Board?
A7: Yes, only workers registered with the APB&OCWWB are eligible.

Q8: Can an individual apply if the membership of the worker expired before death?
A8: No, the worker must have had an active membership at the time of death to be eligible for the scheme.

Q9: Is it necessary for the nominee to have his/her name on the registration card?
A9: Yes, the nominee’s name must be recorded on the registration card before the death for the benefit to be applicable.

Q10: How can I avail the benefits of the scheme?
A10: The applicant must visit the nearest registered office of the APB&OCWWB, complete the offline application process with the required documents, and submit the application for verification.

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