Meghalaya Building Workers Death Benefit: ₹2 Lakh to ₹5 Lakh for Natural and Accidental DeathsScheme StatusScheme Status

The “Death Benefit” scheme is a social security initiative by the Meghalaya Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board (MBOCWWB), under the Labour Department, Government of Meghalaya. This scheme provides financial assistance to the nominees or dependents of registered construction workers in the event of their natural or accidental death during the course of employment. The benefit amount differs based on the cause of death and is intended to ease the financial hardship following the loss of a worker.


  • Natural Death:

    • A benefit of ₹2,00,000 is provided to the nominees/dependents of a registered construction worker who dies of natural causes.
  • Accidental Death:

    • A benefit of ₹3,00,000 is provided if the death is due to an accident during the course of employment.
    • Additionally, if the death is due to an accident and results in disability, a higher benefit of up to ₹5,00,000 may be provided (for workers not covered under any insurance scheme).
  • Insurance Coverage:
    Nominees can still claim benefits under any other insurance schemes (such as PMJJBY/PMSBY) alongside this scheme.


  • The applicant must be a legal nominee or dependent of a deceased registered worker.
  • The deceased worker should have been:
    • A resident of Meghalaya.
    • Engaged in building or other construction work.
    • Registered under the Meghalaya Building & Other Construction Workers Welfare Board with active membership.
  • The scheme applies to deaths occurring during the course of employment.

Application Process

Online (via the MBOCWWB Portal):

  1. Login:
  2. Select Scheme:
    • From the dashboard, select the “Death Benefit” scheme.
  3. Fill Application:
    • Complete the online application form with all required information and upload necessary documents.
    • Click “Submit” to generate a tracking/reference number.
  4. Tracking:
    • To track or update your application, log in again and select “Track Application Status.”
    • View details, check application history, and update (if permitted, noting that once processing begins, updates are not allowed).


  • The scheme also supports offline submission at designated offices as per the Worker’s User Manual provided by MBOCWWB.

Documents Required

  • Identification & Registration:
    • MBOCWWB ID Card of the worker.
    • Copy of the worker’s Aadhaar Card.
  • Proof of Death:
    • Death Certificate issued by a competent authority.
  • Financial Documents:
    • Challan/Receipt of the monthly subscription paid.
    • Bank Passbook or bank account details.
  • Nominee Verification:
    • Nominee’s ID Proof (e.g., Voter ID, Driver’s License, etc.).
    • Nominee’s Consent Letters.
    • Guardian Certificate (if the nominee is a minor).
  • Medical Certification:
    • Medical Certificate (if applicable, especially in cases of disability).
  • Other Documents:
    • Any additional documents as required by the scheme guidelines.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Who administers the scheme?
    The scheme is administered by the Meghalaya Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board (MBOCWWB), under the Labour Department, Government of Meghalaya.
  2. What are the benefits provided under the Death Benefit scheme for natural death?
    A benefit of ₹2,00,000 is provided for natural death.
  3. What benefits are available if the death is due to an accident during employment?
    For accidental death, the benefit is ₹3,00,000; if disability is involved, it can go up to ₹5,00,000.
  4. Are there any distinctions in benefits for those not covered under any insurance scheme?
    Yes, the benefits of ₹2,00,000 for natural death and ₹5,00,000 for accidental death are specifically for workers not covered under any insurance scheme.
  5. Can nominees still claim benefits from other insurance schemes alongside this scheme?
    Yes, nominees can claim benefits from other insurance schemes such as PMJJBY or PMSBY concurrently.
  6. Who is eligible to apply for the scheme?
    Legal nominees or dependents of registered construction workers in Meghalaya who die during the course of employment are eligible.
  7. How does one apply under this scheme?
    Applications are submitted online via the MBOCWWB portal or offline at designated offices.
  8. Can the application be tracked?
    Yes, the application status can be tracked through the online portal.

Sources and References

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