The Chief Minister’s Krishi Samuh Yojana (CMKSY) is an institutional initiative by the Government of Arunachal Pradesh aimed at empowering farmers through the formation and nurturing of Farmers’ Producers Organizations (FPOs). The scheme focuses on promoting a cooperative approach to agriculture by institutionalizing FPOs and providing timely support in the form of best agricultural practices, training, and marketing interventions. The ultimate goal is to achieve better price realization and double farmers’ income.
• Empowerment through Cooperation: Institutionalize FPOs to create a strong cooperative model for farmers.
• Enhanced Support: Infuse timely support for adopting good agricultural practices and effective marketing interventions.
• Income Doubling: Improve price realization to double the income of farmers.
• Holistic Growth: Support eligible projects such as Organic Farming Activities, Employment Generation in Animal Husbandry and Fisheries, Agri-Horti Activities, and other innovative projects.
Important Features:
• Establishment of state and district-level societies for planning, administration, implementation, and monitoring.
• Creation of a digital directory of farmers associated with FPOs.
• Participation of FPOs in buyers–sellers meets and Agri-Horti expos at the national level.
• Revolving Fund: Each FPO receives a revolving fund of ₹4.00 lakhs to support operational activities.
• Additional Financial Assistance:
– Total of ₹2.50 lakhs per FPO allocated as:
• Mobilisation of FPO: ₹1.00 lakh
• Training and Management of Governing Body: ₹0.90 lakh
• FPO Registration Cost: ₹0.20 lakh
• FPO Office Set-up: ₹0.40 lakh
• Usage Restriction: Revolving funds must be utilized solely for purposes related to production, growth, and marketing as originally intended by the FPO.
• Residency: The applicant must be a permanent resident of Arunachal Pradesh.
• Farmer Category: All types of farmers (Marginal, Small, Medium, and Large) are eligible.
• FPO Registration: Only FPOs established as societies or companies under the Societies Act, Cooperative Society Act, or Companies Act and registered in the state are eligible.
• Shareholder Requirement: Eligible FPOs must have a minimum of 50 members.
• Bank Account: FPOs should have an active bank account for at least 6 months.
• Resolution: A formal resolution from the FPO board or Governing Council is required to seek the revolving fund.
Application Process
Offline Process
• Step 1: Contact the nearest District Agricultural Officer/Agriculture Development Officer/Agriculture Field Assistant to obtain the application form in the prescribed format.
• Step 2: Fill in the application form accurately and ensure all required fields are completed.
• Step 3: Gather and attach all necessary documents including identity proofs, FPO registration certificates, bank details, and the FPO’s business plan or Detailed Project Report (DPR).
• Step 4: Submit the completed application form along with the supporting documents to the designated office.
• Step 5: Await Review: The application will be reviewed by the relevant authorities, including the District Dairy Development Committee or the designated agricultural department.
• Step 6: Approval and Disbursement: Upon approval, a formal approval letter will be issued, specifying the allocated assistance and revolving fund, with disbursement occurring in phases based on project progress.
Documents Required
• Identity Proof: Aadhaar Card, Voter ID, etc.
• Permanent Resident Certificate.
• FPO Registration Certificate: Registered under the Societies Act, Cooperative Society Act, or Companies Act.
• Bank Details: Active bank account information of the FPO (minimum 6 months).
• Financial Statements: One-year audited statement for existing FPOs, certified by a CA.
• Business Plan/DPR: Detailing the use of the revolving fund and planned backward and forward linkages.
• Supporting Documents: As specified in the application guidelines, signed by a minimum of three board members.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: What is the aim of the scheme?
A: The scheme aims to empower farmers by institutionalizing FPOs, providing support for good agricultural practices and marketing interventions to achieve better price realization and double farmers’ income.
Q: What is the objective of the scheme?
A: The objective is to create a cooperative model through FPOs that ensures timely support in agriculture, enhances income, and improves market access for horticultural products and other eligible projects.
Q: What are the eligible projects under CMKSY?
A: Projects under the scheme include Organic Farming Activities, Employment Generation in Animal Husbandry and Fisheries, Agri-Horti Sector Projects, and other innovative agricultural projects.
Q: Where will eligible FPOs participate?
A: Eligible FPOs can participate in various platforms including buyers and sellers meets, Agri-Horti expos, and other institutional markets at both state and national levels.
Q: What is the amount of the revolving fund provided?
A: Each eligible FPO is provided a revolving fund of ₹4.00 lakhs.
Q: What is the total financial assistance provided to each FPO?
A: In addition to the revolving fund, an extra ₹2.50 lakhs is allocated for specific activities such as FPO mobilisation, training, registration, and office set-up.
Q: Is this scheme for all types of farmers?
A: Yes, the scheme is open to all categories of farmers (Marginal, Small, Medium, and Large) through the FPOs.
Q: Should an FPO be a registered body?
A: Yes, FPOs must be registered under the Societies Act, Cooperative Society Act, or Companies Act.
Q: How old should the bank account of an FPO be?
A: The FPO must have an active bank account for a minimum of 6 months.
Q: For what purpose should the revolving fund be used?
A: The revolving fund should be used exclusively for purposes related to production, growth, and marketing as envisioned in the formation of the FPO.
Q: Whom can I contact for more information about the scheme?
A: Interested applicants should contact their nearest District Agricultural Officer or the designated Agriculture Development Officer.