Chief Minister’s Adarsh Gram Yojana: Transforming Arunachal Pradesh Villages

Chief Minister’s Adarsh Gram Yojana 2017, initiated by the Government of Arunachal Pradesh, aims to develop 60 model villages, each equipped with essential infrastructure and services such as 24×7 piped drinking water, electricity at the household level, primary health care, schools, and internal roads. The program also promotes employment generation and ensures the villages are open defecation-free.

Salient Features

  • Scope: 60 model villages (one per Legislative Assembly Constituency).
  • Budget: ₹1.5 crores allocated per village.
  • Timeframe: Initial development period of 2 years.
  • Nodal Agency: Block Development Office (BDO).
  • Employment Generation: Local villagers (18+ years) are employed for tasks not requiring specific skills under MGNREGA guidelines.
  • Community Involvement: Villages to identify work through Gram Sabha, submit proposals to BDO, and forward them for approvals.
  • Convergence: Schemes dovetail with CSS/State Plan Schemes, including MLALAD funds.


The scheme provides:

  1. Basic Infrastructure:
    • Piped water supply to all households.
    • Electricity supply or solar lights for all households.
    • Internal roads (intra-village).
    • Community toilets under Swachh Bharat Mission (Rural).
    • Drainage facilities within the village.
  2. Social Infrastructure:
    • Construction or renovation of primary schools.
    • Establishment of PHCs/Sub-Centers for primary healthcare.
  3. Housing:
    • Pucca houses for BPL families not covered under PMAY/IAY.
  4. Economic Opportunities:
    • Market sheds for promoting rural economic activities.

Eligibility Criteria

District Committee

  1. Head: Deputy Commissioner of the district, with members including Heads of Departments (HODs) and concerned MLAs.
  2. Functions:
    • Identify and select beneficiary villages.
    • Approve and release funds in three phases:
      • Phase 1: ₹50 lakhs (33.33%).
      • Phase 2: ₹50 lakhs (33.33%).
      • Phase 3: ₹50 lakhs (33.33%).
    • Monitor and audit progress.

Block Development Office & Gram Panchayat

  1. Conduct Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) to identify deficiencies and propose work.
  2. Submit proposals for technical and administrative approvals.
  3. Oversee project implementation and maintain project completion reports with photographs.

Application Process

Offline Steps

  1. Contact Local Authorities:
    • Visit the Gram Panchayat or Block Development Office to inquire about the scheme and obtain details.
  2. Submit Required Documents:
    • Fill out the prescribed forms and attach necessary documents.

Documents Required

  1. Aadhaar Card
  2. Voter Card
  3. Bank Account Details
  4. Any other supporting documents required by the Block Development Office.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. When did the scheme begin?
    • The scheme was launched in 2017.
  2. What is the budget allocation per village?
    • ₹1.5 crores per village.
  3. Who is the nodal implementing agency?
    • The Block Development Office (BDO) is the nodal implementing agency.
  4. How are beneficiaries selected?
    • The District Committee, headed by the Deputy Commissioner, selects villages based on need and proposals submitted by the Gram Sabha.
  5. What are the employment benefits of the scheme?
    • Villagers aged 18+ can work on projects under MGNREGA, earning wages as per the latest guidelines.
  6. What is the role of Gram Sabha?
    • Identify deficiencies, propose works, and approve the shelf of work for their village.
  7. Is there a requirement for project completion reports?
    • Yes, the Block Development Agency must prepare completion reports with photographs.

Sources and References

  • Official Scheme Guidelines.
  • Arunachal Pradesh Rural Development Department.

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