Bonded Labour Rehabilitation Scheme: ₹3 Lakh Assistance for Rescued WorkersScheme StatusScheme Status

The Central Sector Scheme for Rehabilitation of Bonded Labourer—2021, effective from January 27, 2022, is a flagship initiative of the Ministry of Labour & Employment, Government of India. This comprehensive scheme is aimed at eradicating bonded labour in India by providing targeted financial and socio-economic support. It emphasizes skill development, direct benefit transfers, and monitoring mechanisms while supporting surveys, awareness programs, and evaluatory studies to combat bonded labour.


For Adult Male Beneficiaries

  • Financial Assistance:
    • ₹1,00,000 per adult male beneficiary.
  • Disbursement Options:
    • Beneficiaries can opt to have the assistance deposited in an annuity scheme or receive it as a cash grant.
    • The District Administration assesses cash requirements and, with consent, may place funds in an annuity scheme.

For Special Category Beneficiaries (Children, Women)

  • Financial Assistance:
    • ₹2,00,000 per beneficiary.
  • Disbursement Options:
    • At least ₹1,25,000 must be deposited in an annuity scheme.
    • The remaining amount is transferred via Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT).

For Extreme Cases of Bonded or Forced Labour

  • Financial Assistance:
    • ₹3,00,000 per beneficiary in cases involving severe deprivation (e.g., transgender individuals, women, and children rescued from sexual exploitation or trafficking).
  • Disbursement Options:
    • At least ₹2,00,000 is deposited in an annuity scheme.
    • ₹1,00,000 is transferred via DBT.

Bonded Labour Rehabilitation Fund

  • Each state is required to establish a district-level fund with a minimum corpus of ₹10,00,000.
  • Penalties recovered from convicted perpetrators can be added to this corpus.

Immediate Financial Assistance

  • Up to ₹30,000 may be provided immediately from the District Bonded Labour Rehabilitation Fund.
  • The District Magistrate can disburse higher amounts if needed, subject to the maximum entitlements prescribed.

Additional State Responsibilities

  • Provide a safe environment for capacity building of child bonded labourers.
  • Address special needs of female freed bonded labourers, including financial support for marriage.
  • Offer special care for disabled individuals and focused skill development training for adult bonded labourers not falling into the above categories.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Beneficiary Status:
    • The beneficiary must be a rescued bonded labourer.
  • Category Specifics:
    • Different categories (adult males, special category such as children and women, extreme cases) are defined with varying assistance amounts.

Application Process

Online Submission Process

  1. Submission of Proposal:
    • The District Magistrate/Administration forwards the proposal for financial support to the appropriate State Ministry/Department managing the Bonded Labour Rehabilitation Scheme (BLR).
    • Proposals for both immediate cash assistance and rehabilitation assistance are submitted by the State/UT Government.
  2. Release of Funds:
    • Eligible reimbursements are disbursed directly by the Ministry of Labour & Employment to the State/UT Government.
    • The State/UT Government then transfers these funds to the respective District Magistrate/Collector.
  3. Disbursement of Benefits:
    • The District Administration assesses the cash requirements of each beneficiary and decides whether to channel the funds through an annuity scheme or via DBT.
  • Apply Now:
    Interested parties can sign in and apply through the UMANG portal or the dedicated online application system.

Documents Required

For Immediate Financial Assistance

  • Duly filled Release Certificates for each rescued bonded labourer (Annexure —A).

For Rehabilitation Assistance

  • Duly filled Release Certificates for each rescued bonded labourer (Annexure —A).
  • Details of each rescued bonded labourer in the prescribed format (Annexure —B).
  • Consolidated information about bonded labourers for the release of rehabilitation assistance (Annexure —C).

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Surveys & Financial Assistance:
    How frequently can a State/UT Government conduct surveys, and what financial assistance is available for these initiatives?
  • Fund Release Modalities:
    How are funds released under the scheme, and what are the modalities for fund transfer from the Ministry to the State/UT Governments?
  • Proposal Submission:
    What is the process for District Magistrates/Administrations to submit proposals for financial demands?
  • Evaluatory Studies:
    What financial support is available for evaluatory studies aimed at assessing the bonded labour scenario?
  • Awareness Programs:
    How is awareness generated regarding the eradication of bonded labour, and what financial support is provided for these programs?
  • Survey Process:
    What is the procedure for conducting surveys of bonded labourers, and what assistance is provided for this purpose?
  • Cumulative Benefits:
    How does the scheme ensure that these benefits are supplementary to other cash or non-cash benefits a beneficiary might be entitled to?
  • Skill Development:
    What role does the scheme play in the skill development of adult bonded labourers?
  • Female Freed Labourers:
    Can you elaborate on the components of assistance for female freed bonded labourers, such as marriage support?
  • Child Bonded Labourers:
    How does the scheme address capacity building and development for child bonded labourers?
  • Immediate Assistance:
    What is the maximum immediate financial assistance provided to a rescued individual from the District Bonded Labour Rehabilitation Fund?
  • Care and Protection:
    What measures are in place for the immediate care and protection of rescued individuals during summary trials?
  • Socio-economic Assistance:
    How does the scheme assist individuals not in a condition of bondage but still in need of socio-economic support?
  • Assistance in Extreme Cases:
    Under what circumstances is the rehabilitation assistance set at ₹3,00,000?

Sources & References

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