Pre-Matric Scholarship 2025 for SC Students in Puducherry, Classes 6-10

Pre-matric Scholarship to the Scheduled Caste students of Union Territory of Puducherry is conducted under the control of Adi Dravidar Welfare Department. This scheme has been devised for the provision of money for the benefit of Scheduled Caste students in seeking education through Classes VI to X in Government Schools as well as in the Government Recognized Private Schools. The key object is to give economic help to students so they are not obliged to discontinue school prior to the completion of secondary level.


The scholarship is awarded for 10 months in an academic year, with the following rates:

  • Class VI to VIII: ₹1,500 per annum per student (₹150 per month for 10 months)
  • Class IX & X: ₹2,500 per annum per student (₹250 per month for 10 months)


  1. Boys and girls belonging to Scheduled Caste Community and studying from VI to X Standard are eligible to avail of the Scholarship.
  2. The student should be a native of the Union Territory of Puducherry by virtue of birth or having residence for a continuous period of not less than five years.
  3. The scholarship will be available only if the student is continuing his/her studies satisfactorily i.e. he/she secures promotion to the next higher class annually.
  4. The annual income of the parent/guardian shall not exceed ₹24,000/-.
Note: The annual income of the parents/guardians shall not exceed the limit of income for the below poverty line prescribed by the Government from time to time.

Application Process

Online Application:
Step 1: 
First-time applicants for the scholarship must register on the National Scholarship Portal (NSP) at through the New Registration option.
Step 2: 
Students will be issued a Student Registration ID after successful registration.
Step 3: 
Login to the portal with the Student Registration ID and click on Fresh Application“.
Step 4: 
Complete the application form and click Final Submit to finalize the application.
Step 5: 
Upon submission of the application, a system-generated registration number will be communicated to the student for future use.

Documents Required

1. Identity proof i.e. Aadhaar Card
2. Passport size photograph
3. Educational documents/certificates i.e. Mark sheets
4. Caste certificate
5. Income certificate
6. Residence-cum-nativity certificate issued by the competent authority
7. Bank Account details

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q1: Beneficiaries of the scheme?
The scholarships target Scheduled Caste students in Classes VI-X in either Government schools or Government-approved private schools in Pondicherry.

Q2: Is the scheme limited to the natives of Puducherry?
Yes, it is only applicable to the bonafide Scheduled Caste students who have resided in Puducherry by birth or for five consecutive years.

Q3: What is the income requirement for availing the scheme?
The income of the applicant’s parent/guardian should not be more than ₹24,000 or the income limit for below poverty line (BPL) families.

Q4: What is the advantage of the scheme?
The scholarship awards ₹1,500 annually for Class VI to VIII students and ₹2,500 annually for Class IX and X students for 10 months of every academic year.

Q5: Application process for this scholarship?
The students need to apply through the National Scholarship Portal (NSP) by online registration and furnishing the necessary documents.

Sources and References

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