Opportunity Cost Award for SC Girl Students 2025 in Puducherry

The Award of Opportunity Cost to Parents of Scheduled Caste Girl Students scheme was introduced by the Adi Dravidar Welfare Department, Government of Puducherry, with the objective of assisting the parents of Scheduled Caste girls who otherwise may not send their daughters to school due to economic reasons. The scheme compensates the parents for the loss of income they would have earned if their daughters were working instead of studying.


The main objective of the scheme is to:

  • Eliminate child labor among Scheduled Caste girls.
  • Encourage parents to send their daughters to educational institutions by compensating them for the opportunity cost—the income loss they face by sending their daughters to school instead of allowing them to work.


  • Opportunity Cost: ₹3,000 per academic year per Scheduled Caste girl studying in classes VI to XII.
  • This payment is provided in addition to the Pre-Matric Scholarship for the children.
  • The opportunity cost is payable only for the first time promotion to the next class, and not for students who are re-admitted due to failure or discontinuance.


  • The applicant should be a girl student studying in Class VI to XII in any Government or Government-recognized educational institution in Puducherry.
  • The student must belong to the Scheduled Caste community.
  • The student and her parent/guardian should be natives of Puducherry, either by birth or continuous residence for at least 3 years.
  • The annual income of the parent/guardian should not exceed ₹24,000.

Application Process

  • Online Process:
    1. Step 1: First-time applicants need to register on the National Scholarship Portal (NSP) by visiting https://scholarships.gov.in/.
    2. Step 2: After registration, applicants will receive a Student Registration ID.
    3. Step 3: Log in using the Student Registration ID and click on “Fresh Application” to apply.
    4. Step 4: Fill out the complete application form and click “Final Submit”.
    5. Step 5: Once the application is successfully submitted, a system-generated registration number will be issued for future reference.

Documents Required

  1. Identity Proof: Aadhaar Card
  2. Passport-size Photograph
  3. Educational Documents: Mark sheets
  4. Caste Certificate: As per Scheduled Caste
  5. Income Certificate: Showing family income below ₹24,000 per year
  6. Residence-cum-Nativity Certificate: Issued by the competent authority
  7. Bank Account Details: Copy of the passbook

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the “Award of Opportunity Cost to Parents of Scheduled Caste Girl Students” scheme?
    • This scheme financially supports Scheduled Caste parents to send their daughters to school instead of allowing them to work.
  2. What is the objective of the scheme?
    • To eliminate child labor and encourage parents to send their daughters to school by compensating them for the opportunity cost (income loss).
  3. What does “Opportunity cost” mean?
    • Opportunity cost refers to the income lost by parents because their daughters are attending school rather than working.
  4. Which is the implementing agency of this scheme?
    • The Adi Dravidar Welfare Department, Government of Puducherry.
  5. What is the eligibility criterion to apply under the scheme?
    • The student must be a Scheduled Caste girl studying in Classes VI to XII, residing in Puducherry, and the family’s income must be below ₹24,000 per year.
  6. Is this scheme only for the native of the Union Territory of Puducherry?
    • Yes, only native residents of Puducherry are eligible to apply.
  7. What is the income criterion for applying under the scheme?
    • The family/guardian’s annual income should not exceed ₹24,000.
  8. What is the benefit of the scheme?
    • The benefit is ₹3,000 per academic year per girl student for classes VI to XII.
  9. Can a girl student also avail of the benefits of the Pre-Matric Scholarship?
    • Yes, this scheme provides the opportunity cost in addition to the Pre-Matric Scholarship.
  10. Is this scheme only for girl students?
  • Yes, the scheme specifically targets Scheduled Caste girl students.
  1. How to apply for this scholarship?
  • Applicants need to register and apply online on the National Scholarship Portal and submit the required documents.

Sources and References

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