Gujarat HRT-3 Scheme: 75% Subsidy for Scheduled Tribes FarmersScheme StatusScheme Status

The “Assistance for Tools, Equipment, Shorting/Grading Equipment, PHM Equipment for Scheduled Tribes (HRT-3)” scheme is implemented by the Directorate of Horticulture, Agriculture, Farmers Welfare and Co-operation Department, Government of Gujarat. This scheme offers financial assistance to farmers belonging to the Scheduled Tribes category, as well as to farmer groups and cooperative societies, for purchasing various tools, equipment, sorting/grading machinery, and Post-Harvest Management (PHM) equipment. Items covered under the scheme include plastic crates along with associated equipment such as weights, packing materials, and sorting/grading machinery.


  • For Scheduled Tribes Farmers:
    Eligible individual farmers can receive assistance up to 75% of the cost of the tools/equipment, or ₹3,750/-, whichever is less.

  • For Farmer Groups/Cooperative Societies:
    Eligible groups can obtain assistance up to 90% of the equipment cost or ₹7,50,000/-, whichever is less, specifically for the installation of PHM equipment.


  • Residency:
    The beneficiary must be a permanent resident of Gujarat.

  • Category:
    The beneficiary must belong to the Scheduled Tribes.

  • Applicant Type:
    Both individual farmers and farmer groups/cooperative societies are eligible to avail benefits.

  • Purchasing Guidelines:

    • The tool/equipment must be purchased from an authorised dealer of an empanelled manufacturer, following the price discovery guidelines as notified by the Department of Agriculture.

    • Regulations for tarpaulin seats and plastic crates as empanelled by the Agriculture Department must be strictly adhered to.

Application Process

Online Application Procedure

  1. Visit the I-Khedut Portal:
    Navigate to I-Khedut Portal.

  2. Access Horticulture Schemes:
    On the home page, click on ‘Schemes’ and then select ‘Horticulture Schemes’.

  3. Select the Scheme:
    Choose the “HRT-3” scheme and review the instructions provided.

  4. Initiate the Application:
    Click on the ‘Apply’ button to open the application page.

  5. Submit a New Application:
    Click on “Apply New” and fill in the required details.

  6. Update if Needed:
    Use the “Update Application” button to make any necessary corrections.

  7. Confirm the Application:
    Once all information is complete, confirm your application.

  8. Print Application:
    Take a printout of the confirmed application. Alternatively, after applying online on the I-Khedut Portal, print the signature/fingerprint, scan it, and upload it via the “Upload Signed Copy of Application Print” menu.

  9. Document Upload:
    Ensure all necessary documents are scanned in PDF format (not exceeding 200 KB) and uploaded. The facility to upload a scanned copy of the caste certificate is available under the “Other Document Upload” menu, if applicable.

  10. No In-Person Submission Required:
    There is no need to physically submit the application at the office.

Application Tracking

  • Applicants can track their application status, view, print, or upload additional details through the Applicant Corner.

Documents Required

  1. Scheduled Tribes Certificate issued by a competent authority.

  2. Disability Certificate issued by the Competent Authority (for PWDs, if applicable).

  3. Copy of land details (7/12 and 8-A).

  4. Copy of Aadhaar Card.

  5. Copy of bank passbook or cancelled cheque.

  6. Copy of Forest Rights Letter (if applicable).

  7. Any other documents as required.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Who is eligible to benefit from the scheme?
    Permanent residents of Gujarat who belong to the Scheduled Tribes, including individual farmers and farmer groups/cooperative societies, are eligible.

  2. What financial assistance is available for Scheduled Tribes farmers under the scheme?
    Individual Scheduled Tribes farmers can receive assistance up to 75% of the cost of the tools/equipment, or ₹3,750/-, whichever is lower.

  3. What assistance is available for farmer groups/cooperative societies under the scheme?
    Farmer groups and cooperative societies can avail assistance up to 90% of the cost or ₹7,50,000/-, whichever is less, for the installation of PHM equipment.

  4. What types of equipment are covered under the scheme?
    The scheme covers a variety of tools, equipment, sorting/grading machinery, and Post-Harvest Management (PHM) equipment, including plastic crates with related accessories such as weights and packing materials.

  5. What are the eligibility criteria for beneficiaries under the scheme?
    Beneficiaries must be permanent residents of Gujarat, belong to the Scheduled Tribes, and can be either individual farmers or part of farmer groups/cooperative societies.

  6. Can farmer groups and cooperative societies avail benefits under the scheme?
    Yes, both individual farmers and farmer groups/cooperative societies are eligible to apply for benefits.

  7. Are there any specific purchasing guidelines for the tools/equipment under the scheme?
    Yes, the equipment must be purchased from an authorised dealer of an empanelled manufacturer as per the guidelines provided by the Department of Agriculture. Compliance with regulations for tarpaulin seats and plastic crates is mandatory.

  8. How can one apply for the scheme?
    The application can be submitted online through the I-Khedut Portal by following the step-by-step procedure outlined above.

  9. Can applicants track their application status online?
    Yes, application status can be tracked using the Applicant Corner on the I-Khedut Portal.

Sources and References

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