The “Assistance for Power Driven Chaff Cutter Scheme under Tribal Area Sub Plan” is an initiative by the Directorate of Animal Husbandry, Agriculture, Farmers Welfare and Co-operation Department, Government of Gujarat. This scheme provides financial assistance to dairy farmers belonging to the Scheduled Tribes (ST) category for purchasing electric powered chaff cutters. By utilizing a power driven chaff cutter, beneficiaries can significantly reduce the wastage of green and dry fodder, thereby enhancing the profitability of their dairy farming operations.
Financial Assistance:
Beneficiaries are eligible for financial assistance up to 75% of the purchase cost of a powered chaff cutter or ₹18,000/-, whichever is less. -
Direct Benefit Transfer:
The assistance amount is directly deposited into the bank account of the beneficiary.
The beneficiary must be a permanent resident of Gujarat. -
Scheduled Tribe Status:
The beneficiary should belong to the Scheduled Tribe category. -
Livestock Requirement:
The applicant must have a minimum of five (5) animals of his/her own.
Application Process
Online Application
Visit the I-Khedut Portal:
Go to I-Khedut Portal. -
Navigate to Schemes:
On the home page, click on ‘Schemes’ and then select ‘Animal Husbandry Schemes’. -
Select the Scheme:
Find and click on the specific scheme and then click on the ‘Apply’ button to open the application page. -
Apply for the Scheme:
Click on “Apply New” to submit a new application. -
Update Application:
Use the “Update Application” button if any corrections are needed. -
Confirm Application:
Once the application is completed, confirm it. -
Print Application:
Take a printout of the confirmed application for your records. -
Check Application Status:
Applicants can check their application status, view, print, or upload details from the Applicant Corner.
Note: After the application is sanctioned through the I-Khedut Portal, the beneficiary must purchase the chaff cutter from a government-approved empanelled vendor and submit the bill to claim the subsidy.
Documents Required
Identity Proof:
Aadhaar Card. -
Scheduled Tribe Certificate.
Proof of Residence.
Proof of Possessing the Required Number of Animals.
Bank Account Details of the Beneficiary.
Any Other Documents as Required.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the purpose of the scheme?
The scheme aims to assist dairy farmers by providing financial aid for purchasing power driven chaff cutters, which help in reducing fodder wastage and promoting efficient dairy farming. -
Who is eligible for assistance under this scheme?
The scheme is exclusively for permanent residents of Gujarat who belong to the Scheduled Tribe category and own a minimum of five animals. -
What benefits does the scheme offer?
It offers financial assistance up to 75% of the cost or ₹18,000/-, whichever is lower, with the subsidy amount being directly credited to the beneficiary’s bank account. -
How is the financial assistance provided?
The assistance is provided through a direct benefit transfer (DBT) to the beneficiary’s bank account. -
Where can I find the application for this scheme?
The application is available online at the I-Khedut Portal. -
How is the subsidy claimed after purchasing the chaff cutter?
After the application is sanctioned, the beneficiary must purchase the chaff cutter from a government-approved vendor and produce the purchase bill to claim the subsidy.