Advance for Purchase or Construction of House – Goa BOCW Registration

The Advance for Purchase or Construction of House Scheme, implemented by the Goa Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board (GBOCWWB), provides financial assistance to registered workers for constructing or purchasing a house. The scheme aims to promote housing stability and welfare for construction workers in Goa.

Key Benefits

  1. Financial Assistance:
    • ₹50,000/- is sanctioned as an advance for house purchase or construction.
  2. Repayment Plan:
    • The amount is recoverable in equal installments, as determined by the Board.

Eligibility Criteria

  1. Worker Registration:
    • The applicant must be a registered worker with GBOCWWB.
  2. Age Limit:
    • Applicant must be between 18 to 60 years.
  3. Service Requirement:
    • The worker must have completed 90 days of service in a year.
  4. Membership Duration:
    • Must have been a member of the Fund for at least five years.
  5. Remaining Service:
    • At least 15 years of service must remain for superannuation.

Application Process

Offline Application Steps:

  1. Obtain the Application Form:
    • Download from the Official Website of the Department of Labour and Employment, Goa.
    • Alternatively, visit the Office of the Commissioner, Labour & Employment at:
      • Address: 2nd Floor, Sharma Shakti Bhavan, Patto Plaza, Panaji-Goa.
      • Contact: (0832-2437081/82/83) | Email: [email protected].
  2. Complete the Form:
    • Fill in all mandatory fields.
    • Attach a passport-sized photograph (signed, if required).
    • Include self-attested copies of all required documents.
  3. Submit the Application:
    • Submit the completed form and documents to the Office of the Commissioner, Labour & Employment.
    • Obtain a receipt of application submission for future reference.
  4. Approval and Disbursement:
    • After verification, the advance will be sanctioned and disbursed as per the scheme guidelines.

Documents Required

  1. Worker Registration Card/Number.
  2. Receipt of Payment for First & Last Subscription to the Board.
  3. Approved Plan and Estimate for Construction.
  4. Encumbrance Certificate (14 Years).
  5. Location Certificate.
  6. Land Tax Receipt.
  7. Original Document.
  8. Attested Copy of Ration Card (Pages 2, 4) for Maintenance Application.
  9. Ownership Proof of the Building (for Maintenance Only).
  10. Terminal Benefit Declaration.
  11. Identity Card & Passbook (Attested Copies).
  12. Title Clearance Certificate.
  13. Age Certificate of the Building (for Maintenance Only).
  14. Valuation Certificate of the Building (for Maintenance Only).
  15. No Objection Certificate from Authorities for Construction.
  16. Declaration of Non-Ownership of House by the Worker/Spouse/Children (for New Construction).

Note: A completion certificate must be submitted to the Secretary of the Board within six months of the withdrawal of the advance.

Contact Information

  • Office Address:
    Commissioner, Labour & Employment,
    2nd Floor, Sharma Shakti Bhavan,
    Patto Plaza, Panaji-Goa.
  • Phone: (0832-2437081/82/83)
  • Email: [email protected].

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

General Information

  1. Who oversees this scheme?
    The Goa Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board (GBOCWWB) under the Department of Labour and Employment, Goa.
  2. What is the age requirement for eligibility?
    Applicants must be between 18 to 60 years.
  3. How many years of service are required?
    The worker must have completed at least five years of membership and 90 days of service in a year.

Application and Benefits

  1. What financial assistance is provided?
    ₹50,000/- is provided as an advance for house purchase or construction.
  2. Can applications be submitted online?
    Currently, applications are accepted offline only.
  3. What happens if the advance is not utilized within six months?
    The worker must submit a completion certificate to the Board within six months, failing which the Board may take appropriate action.
  4. Can a worker already owning a house apply?
    No, the worker or their family members must not own any other house or property.
  5. Is this benefit available multiple times?
    No, the advance is provided as a one-time benefit.

Additional Resources

  1. Official Website: Visit Here.
  2. Application Form: Available at the Commissioner’s Office.
  3. Guidelines: Detailed scheme guidelines can be obtained from the Labour Department.
  4. Citizen’s Charter: Refer to the Labour Department’s Charter for service standards.

This guide ensures a seamless application process for the Advance for Purchase or Construction of House Scheme, empowering construction workers in Goa to achieve housing stability.

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