Upliftment of Utsavi Rangabhumi of Goa: Financial Assistance for Traditional Festival Theatre

The Scheme for Upliftment of Utsavi Rangabhumi of Goa is an initiative by the Directorate of Art and Culture, Government of Goa aimed at reviving and preserving the traditional festival theatre of Goa, known as Gomantakiya Utsavi Rangabhumi. This traditional theatre has played a pivotal role in Goan culture, with performances tied to village deities’ festivals and a legacy of fostering some of Goa’s most renowned actors. The scheme provides financial assistance and support to revive this historic art form and maintain its cultural significance.


  1. Preservation: Revive and sustain Goa’s traditional festival theatre.
  2. Encouragement: Motivate local village groups to restart the Houshi Rangabhumi theatre movement with sangeet natak (musical plays) and prose plays.
  3. Inclusion: Promote the participation of local female and child artists.
  4. Discipline: Enhance the quality and organization of traditional festive theatre.
  5. Talent Development: Support emerging playwrights, directors, set designers, and technicians.
  6. Cultural Unity: Foster community bonding and brotherhood through village theatre.


Financial Assistance:

  • Prose Play:
    • Maximum of ₹20,000 or 75% of the actual cost, whichever is lower.
    • The final amount is determined by the selection committee.
  • Sangeet Play:
    • Maximum of ₹30,000 or 75% of the actual cost, whichever is lower.
    • The selection committee determines the final amount.
  • Scriptwriters:
    • ₹3,000 for new scripts based on the play’s quality, as recommended by the selection committee.

Other Support:

  • Directional Assistance: Selected groups may receive guidance and technical support for short-term workshops, with fees decided by the government.
  • Encouragement for Tradition: Financial support is only extended to plays performed by village theatre groups adhering to traditional practices.


  1. Traditional Theatre Groups:
    • Must be amateur or traditional village festive theatre groups with a legacy of performing plays during village deity festivals.
  2. Performance History:
    • A tradition of at least 25 years of performing plays in village festivals.
  3. Local Participation:
    • All roles, including female characters, must be performed by artists from the same village. Professional artists are not allowed.
  4. Certification:
    • Certification by the Devasthan or village committee is mandatory to confirm traditional practices.
  5. Bank Account:
    • The group must have an account in a nationalized or scheduled bank for the release of funds.
  6. Limit:
    • Financial assistance is restricted to one play per year per theatre group.

Application Process

Offline Process

  1. Visit the Directorate:
    • Directorate of Art & Culture, Government of Goa, 5th Floor, Shram Shakti Bhavan, Panaji, Patto, Panaji, Goa – 403001.
  2. Request Application Form:
    • Obtain the proforma from the concerned authority.
  3. Fill in Details:
    • Complete all mandatory fields, attach a passport-sized photograph, and self-attest the required documents.
  4. Submit Application:
    • Submit the form along with the necessary documents to:
      ACO-II, Directorate of Art & Culture
      Phone: 0832-2404623
      Email: [email protected]

Documents Required

  1. Registration Certificate (if registered).
  2. Detailed Estimate of Expenditure for the play production.
  3. Affidavit confirming eligibility.
  4. Details of Play Production: Script and playwright details.
  5. Utilization Certificate (if grant received in previous years).
  6. Bank Account Details: Must be from a nationalized/scheduled bank.
  7. Play Script: Name and script of the play (Drama).
  8. NOC from Devasthan or village committee.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. What is the role of the Devasthan or village committee in this scheme?
    They certify that the play follows traditional festive practices.
  2. How many plays can a group apply for financial assistance in a year?
    Only one play per year is eligible for financial assistance.
  3. What is the maximum financial assistance for sangeet plays?
    Up to ₹30,000 or 75% of the actual cost, whichever is lower.
  4. Are professional artists allowed to participate?
    No, all artists must be from the same village, and professional artists are not allowed.
  5. What measures ensure the authenticity of traditional theatre?
    Certification from the Devasthan or village committee is required to ensure adherence to tradition.
  6. Can theatre groups receive additional grants for new scripts?
    Yes, scriptwriters can receive up to ₹3,000 for new scripts based on their quality.
  7. Who can be contacted for more information?
    ACO-II, Directorate of Art & Culture:
    Phone: 0832-2404623
    Email: [email protected]

Sources and References

  • Citizen’s Charter
  • Scheme Guidelines

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