Lean Season Assistance Scheme in Puducherry – Benefits & How to ApplyScheme StatusScheme Status

The “Lean Season Assistance” is a sub-component of the “Welfare and Relief for Fishermen During Lean Seasons and Natural Calamities Scheme” introduced in Puducherry. This scheme aims to support fishermen families who lose their income during natural calamities, lean seasons, or fishing bans. Additionally, it promotes the conservation of fishery wealth during the breeding season.


Each eligible fishermen’s family receives, during natural calamities:

  • 5 kg of free rice
  • One set of clothing consisting of:
    • One quality saree with blouse bit
    • One lunghie
    • One towel

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the Lean Season Assistance, the applicant must:

  • Be an ordinarily resident of the Union Territory of Puducherry.
  • Be a fisherman.
  • Belong to a group designated as “Below Poverty Line” (BPL).
  • Fulfill periodic criteria set by the Pondicherry Fishermen Welfare and Distress Relief Society.
  • Not be residing in any foreign nation during the period of natural calamity, lean season, or fishing ban for which the assistance is issued.
  • Ensure that the beneficiary or any member listed on the ration card is not in regular service in Government/Quasi Government/Government undertakings or a retired Government Pensioner.

Additional Notes:

  • The benefit will not be denied if the head of the family or any member is an Old Age Pension (OAP) recipient.
  • Possession or type of fishing boat (mechanized, motorized, or traditional) does not restrict eligibility.

Application Process

Offline Process:

  1. Visit the Concerned Authority:
    • Applicants must visit the office of the relevant authority based on their region:
      • Puducherry: Pondicherry State Fishermen Co-operative Federation Limited
      • Karaikal: The Karaikal Fishermen Co-operative Marketing Union
      • Mahe: The Assistant Director of Fisheries and Fishermen Welfare, Mahe
      • Yanam: The Assistant Director of Fisheries and Fishermen Welfare, Yanam
  2. Obtain Application Form:
    • Request a hard copy of the prescribed application form from the concerned authority.
  3. Fill and Attach Documents:
    • Complete the form by filling in all mandatory fields.
    • Paste a passport-sized photograph (signed across, if required).
    • Attach self-attested copies of the mandatory documents.
  4. Submit the Application:
    • Submit the duly filled and signed form along with the documents to the concerned authority.
  5. Collect Receipt:
    • Request a receipt or acknowledgment containing the date, time, and a unique identification number (if applicable).

Documents Required

  • Aadhaar Card
  • Bank Passbook: Xerox copy of the first page of the passbook
  • Red Ration Card: Issued by the Department of Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs, Puducherry
  • Fishermen Identity Card: Issued by the Director of Fisheries and Fishermen Welfare
  • Membership Certificate: As proof obtained from the Fishermen Co-operative Society of the relevant village in Puducherry

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • What benefits are offered under the scheme during natural calamities?
    Eligible families receive 5 kg of free rice and a complete clothing set (quality saree with blouse bit, lunghie, and towel).

  • How are beneficiaries identified?
    Beneficiaries are identified based on residency, fishing occupation, BPL status, and periodic criteria set by the governing body.

  • What is the primary objective of the scheme?
    To assist fishermen families during natural calamities, lean seasons, or fishing bans, and to help conserve fishery wealth during breeding seasons.

  • How does the scheme treat beneficiaries who are Old Age Pension (OAP) recipients?
    Being an OAP recipient does not disqualify a family from receiving benefits.

  • Is possession of fishing boats a determining factor for eligibility?
    No, the type or possession of fishing boats does not affect eligibility.

  • What is the application process?
    Applicants must visit the respective authority, obtain and complete the application form, attach required documents, and submit the form in person.

  • Who issues the application form?
    The prescribed application form is issued by the concerned local authority (e.g., Pondicherry State Fishermen Co-operative Federation Limited, or the equivalent in Karaikal, Mahe, or Yanam).

  • How is membership verification handled?
    Verification is done through the membership certificate issued by the Fishermen Co-operative Society in the applicant’s village.

  • Are there additional criteria for beneficiary selection?
    Yes, the Governing Body of the Pondicherry Fishermen Welfare and Distress Relief Society periodically reviews additional criteria.

  • How is assistance distributed in different regions?
    Distribution is managed by the respective local authorities mentioned above, ensuring regional coverage.

  • What role does the Field Officer play?
    Field Officers help with verifying documents and facilitating the application and distribution process at the local level.

  • Can applicants residing abroad during calamities apply for assistance?
    No, applicants should not be residing in a foreign nation during the period of relief.

Sources & References

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