Puducherry Home for Mentally Challenged Children: Free Boarding, Education

Puducherry’s Department of Social Welfare’s Home for Mentally Challenged Children initiative has been established to provide assistance for mentally challenged kids, especially those with low intelligence. The initiative seeks to provide free boarding, housing, medical care, education, and recreational activities aimed at well-rounded growth. This specific initiative aims to promote the general well-being of the children and support their social and personal growth.

Advantages of the Free Boarding Scheme

  • Free Boarding and Lodging:
    All prisoners are offered free boarding and lodging.
  • Uniforms:
    Each prisoner is issued four sets of uniforms every year.
  • Daily Needs:
    Adequate provisions are provided for all of the prisoners’ daily needs.
  • Health Needs:
    Medical examination centers, including pediatrician and psychiatrist services, are provided.
  • Aid to Education:
    Non-formal education facilities enhance children’s activities and help them carry out their everyday chores effectively.
  • Recreational Activities:
    • Annual outings and short neighborhood picnics to places of interest.
    • Participation in athletic competitions and cultural events, with awards distributed on Annual Day.
  • Development of Skills:
    Training in extracurricular activities like yoga, painting, drawing, discipline, and hygiene.


Children who fall into any of the following categories are eligible:

  • Age Group: Boys between 7 and 17 years.
  • IQ-Based Mental Retardation Levels:
    • An IQ of 50 to 70 indicates mild mental retardation.
    • IQ between 35 to 49 indicates moderate mental retardation.
    • IQ between 20 to 34 indicates severe mental retardation.
    • IQ below 20 is categorized as profound mental retardation.
    • Unspecified Mental Retardation: Productivity and mental subnormality are measured.

How to Apply

The application process is offline. Follow these steps:

  1. Step 1: Get the Application
  2. Step 2: Fill up the Application
    • Fill in all the required fields in the application form.
    • Attach all annexures with self-attestation where required, along with a passport-sized photograph signed across.
  3. Step 3: Submit the Application
    • Submit the duly filled form and annexures to the following officers:
      • Puducherry: Deputy Director, Differently Abled Section, Directorate of Social Welfare.
      • Karaikal: Assistant Director, Sub-Office, Social Welfare Department.
      • Mahe/Yanam: Welfare Officer (i/c), Social Welfare Department (Sub-Office).
  4. Step 4: Recognition
    • Obtain an acknowledgment receipt with the date, time, and, if applicable, a unique identification number.

Documents Needed

Applicants must submit the following documents:

  • Proof of Age: Voter ID, Aadhaar Card, or Matriculation Certificate.
  • Proof of Address: Ration Card, Aadhaar Card, or Voter Card.
  • Disability Certificate: Required to confirm mental retardation.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • What is the role of Annual Day in the scheme?
    Annual Day is celebrated to recognize the achievements of the inmates, including prize distribution, athletic competitions, and cultural events.
  • What is the conservative mental retardation requirement?
    Those with IQs between 35 and 49 fall under the category of moderate mental impairment.
  • What kind of training is offered?
    Non-formal education focuses on daily activities, self-control, and skill development.
  • Does the program provide recreational activities?
    Yes, the program organizes annual picnics, outings, and cultural events to encourage socialization and enjoyment.
  • What other services besides healthcare are offered?
    Free daily necessities, clothes, and training in activities like yoga, painting, and drawing are provided.
  • How frequently are uniforms distributed?
    Each prisoner receives four sets of uniforms every year.
  • What is the age range for eligibility?
    Boys between the ages of 7 and 17 years are eligible.
  • How does the program support prisoners with unidentified mental retardation?
    Care, education, and skill development are offered for people with subnormal mental efficiency.
  • Are cultural events included in the program?
    Yes, prisoners participate in sports and cultural events, and prizes are awarded on Annual Day.
  • What services are included in health check-ups?
    Health check-ups include pediatric and mental care, ensuring children’s health is tracked and assessed.
  • What is the primary benefit of the scheme?
    The scheme offers free housing, uniforms, healthcare, education, and leisure activities, with the ultimate aim of fostering holistic development in children with mental impairments.

Contact Details

  • Puducherry: Directorate of Social Welfare, Saradhambal Nagar, Ellaipillaichavadhy.
  • Karaikal: Office of the Collector.
  • Mahe/Yanam: Office of the Regional Administrator.

References and Resources

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