Tribal Youth Vocational Training Scheme 2025: Eligibility & BenefitsScheme StatusScheme Status

To promote the socio-economic development of the most marginalized communities, the Ministry of Tribal Affairs has introduced a scheme aimed at upgrading the skills of tribal youth. This initiative focuses on providing vocational training in both traditional and modern trades tailored to the educational qualifications, local economic trends, and market potential. It is designed to create employment opportunities and foster self-employment among Scheduled Tribes and Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PTGs), especially in remote tribal areas, areas with vulnerable tribes, and regions affected by extremist activities.

Components of the Scheme

  • Training Implementation:
    • The scheme is open to tribal youth across the country, with priority given to remote tribal areas and regions inhabited by vulnerable groups.
    • Training is provided through the establishment of Vocational Training Centres (VTCs) in remote areas or by supporting existing institutions such as ITIs, polytechnics, computer training centers, and other recognized private institutions.
  • Industry Linkages:
    • Organizations running the VTCs will partner with recognized institutions to offer certificate/diploma courses.
    • Applicants are trained in trades based on local industry needs and market potential.
  • Employment and Self-Employment:
    • The scheme emphasizes placement services for trainees.
    • For candidates opting for self-employment, easy access to microfinance/loans is arranged through financial institutions, banks, or the National Scheduled Tribe Finance Development Corporation (NSTFDC).
  • Reservation for Tribal Girls:
    • A minimum of 33% of the training seats is reserved for tribal girl candidates.
  • Grant-in-Aid Funding:
    • Eligible agencies receive a 100% grant-in-aid, disbursed in one instalment for State/UT-run institutions or in two instalments for NGOs/private institutions, as per the General Financial Rules.

Financial Norms

Recurring Grant:

  • Per Trainee Funding:
    • ₹30,000/- per annum per trainee, which includes:
      • Stipend: ₹700 per month.
      • ₹1,600/- per annum for tools, raw materials, etc.
      • Payments for monthly honorarium to faculty/supporting staff, boarding/lodging, electricity, water, etc.
  • Rented Building Expenses:
    • For rented facilities, annual rent is admissible up to ₹10,000/- per month (subject to a Rent Assessment Certificate).
    • For owned buildings, 10% of the rental value (authenticated by State PWD) is provided as maintenance charges per annum.

Non-recurring Grant:

  • Infrastructure Investment:
    • A one-time grant of ₹2.40 lakh for every five trades (₹0.48 lakh per trade), provided once every five years.

Eligibility Criteria for Grant Applicants

Eligible agencies for the grant include:

  • State Governments and UT Administrations.
  • Government-established institutions or autonomous bodies (e.g., societies under the Societies Registration Act, 1860).
  • Educational institutions or local/cooperative bodies.
  • Public Trusts registered for at least three years.
  • Private recognized institutions with a minimum of three years of experience in vocational training.
  • Industry associations (e.g., ASSOCHAM, CII, FICCI) willing to operate skill-upgradation centers.
  • Voluntary Organizations (VOs) or Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) that:
    • Are registered and have at least three years of experience in social welfare work for STs.
    • Have demonstrated aptitude in welfare activities and community mobilization.
    • Possess financial viability and a good reputation.
    • Have established networking with other institutions for optimal resource utilization.

Application Process (Offline)

  1. Application Format:
    • State/UT Governments and State-owned Institutions:
      • Apply using Format-I directly to the Ministry.
    • VOs/NGOs/Private Institutions:
      • Apply using Format-II through the “State Level Committee for Voluntary Efforts” as constituted under the Grant-in-Aid to Voluntary Organizations scheme.
  2. Submission Timeline:
    • Applications for the next financial year must reach the Ministry via the prescribed channels by January-February of the preceding financial year.
    • VOs/NGOs/Private institutions must submit their applications by December every year to enable timely review by the State/UT Government.
  3. Review and Approval:
    • The State/UT Government/State-owned institutions forward the recommendations of the State Level Committee along with the required documents (e.g., budget estimates, audited accounts, previous year’s utilization certificates, annual report, staff and beneficiary lists, inspection reports, registration certificates, and surety bonds) as per the prescribed checklist.
  4. Disbursement:
    • Funds are disbursed as per the financial norms in the guidelines, with proper monitoring and public accountability.

Documents Required

  • Detailed Budget Estimates.
  • Audited Accounts with Auditor’s Report.
  • Utilization Certificate of the previous year’s grant (in prescribed format as per GFR 19(A)).
  • Annual Report of the applicant organization.
  • List of Staff and Beneficiaries.
  • Inspection Report counter-signed by the District Collector/Commissioner.
  • Registration Certificate, Rules, and Bye-laws.
  • List of the Management Committee.
  • Up-to-date Rent Agreement or Rent Assessment Certificate authenticated by PWD/CPWD (if applicable).
  • Surety Bond/Authorization Letter.
  • Acceptance of Terms and Conditions.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • What is the objective of the scheme?
    To upgrade the vocational skills of tribal youth, enabling employment or self-employment in areas with significant market potential, and thereby improving their socio-economic status.

  • Which agency implements the scheme?
    The scheme is implemented by various agencies including State/UT Governments, government-established institutions, NGOs, and private recognized institutions working in vocational training.

  • Is it a Central Sector Scheme?
    No, it is a scheme administered by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs, with funds disbursed through State/UT channels.

  • What are the benefits provided under the scheme?
    The scheme provides grants for setting up and operating Vocational Training Centres (VTCs) in remote tribal areas, supports training for modern trades, and facilitates placement services or self-employment opportunities.

  • Who are the agencies eligible for grants?
    Eligible agencies include State/UT Governments, autonomous bodies, registered Public Trusts, private recognized institutions, industry associations, and VOs/NGOs with a proven track record in social welfare and vocational training.

  • What is the eligibility condition for a Public Trust?
    A Public Trust must be registered under applicable laws and have been in operation for at least three years.

  • Who are the target beneficiaries under the scheme?
    The scheme targets tribal youth, particularly from remote or vulnerable tribal areas and PTGs, to enhance their vocational skills.

  • Which type of institutions will get preference under the scheme?
    Preference is given to institutions that guarantee placement/employment post-training and those that effectively mobilize the community in remote or underserved tribal regions.

  • Is there any reservation for tribal girl candidates?
    Yes, at least 33% of the training seats are reserved for tribal girl candidates.

  • In what two ways is the funding provided under the scheme?

    1. Setting up and running new Vocational Training Centres (VTCs) in remote areas.
    2. Supporting vocational training in existing institutions like ITIs, polytechnics, or recognized private centers.
  • How do I apply under the scheme?
    Applications are submitted offline using the prescribed formats (Format-I for government institutions and Format-II for VOs/NGOs/private institutions) and must be routed through the appropriate State/UT channels.

Sources & References

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