Get ₹50,000 & Gold Coin for Marrying a Visually Impaired Person in Tamil NaduScheme StatusScheme Status

The Marriage Assistance Scheme for Individuals Marrying Visually Impaired Persons aims to support couples where one partner is visually impaired. Recognizing the unique challenges such marriages might face—such as additional expenses for specialized equipment or support services—this scheme provides financial assistance to help mitigate economic burdens. In doing so, the program fosters an inclusive social environment and empowers couples to start their married life with greater financial stability while celebrating the diversity of family structures.


  • Assistance Amount:
    • Standard Benefit:
      • Total of ₹25,000/-
        • ₹12,500/- in the form of a National Savings Certificate.
        • ₹12,500/- provided as a cheque or Demand Draft for marriage expenses.
    • Enhanced Benefit (if either spouse holds a degree/diploma):
      • Total of ₹50,000/-
        • ₹25,000/- in the form of a National Savings Certificate.
        • ₹25,000/- provided as a cheque or Demand Draft.
  • Other Benefits:
    • A certificate of appreciation.
    • An 8-gram gold coin for Tirumangalyam, a traditional South Indian symbol of marriage for women.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Primary Requirement:
    • A normal (non-visually impaired) person should marry a speech and visually impaired person.
  • Age Requirement:
    • Both individuals must be above 18 years.
  • Additional Eligibility for Enhanced Benefit:
    • If either the normal person or the visually impaired person holds a degree or diploma, they are eligible for increased financial assistance.

Application Process (Offline)

  1. Visit the District Differently Abled Welfare Office:
    • During office hours, request a hard copy of the prescribed application form from the designated staff.
  2. Complete the Application Form:
    • Fill in all mandatory fields.
    • Attach copies of all required documents (self-attested if needed).
  3. Submit the Application:
    • Submit the duly filled and signed application form along with the documents to the District Differently Abled Welfare Officer.
  4. Obtain Acknowledgement:
    • Request a receipt or acknowledgement containing the date, time, and a unique identification number (if applicable).

Documents Required

  • National Identity Card of the differently abled bride or groom.
  • Marriage Certificate.
  • Age Proof of both bride and groom.
  • Degree or Diploma Certificate of the bride or groom (if claiming the enhanced benefit).

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • What is the breakdown of the assistance between the National Savings Certificate and cash?
    • Under the standard benefit, ₹12,500/- is provided as a National Savings Certificate and ₹12,500/- as a cheque or Demand Draft. For the enhanced benefit, each component is ₹25,000/-.
  • Are there any additional items provided along with the assistance?
    • Yes, beneficiaries receive a certificate of appreciation and an 8-gram gold coin for Tirumangalyam.
  • Are there any income criteria for eligibility?
    • No income criteria have been specified under this scheme.
  • Is there any provision for pre-marriage counseling?
    • The scheme does not include provisions for pre-marriage counseling.
  • Are there any conditions regarding the wedding ceremony?
    • The scheme does not impose specific conditions on the type or conduct of the wedding ceremony.
  • Can the assistance be used for other purposes besides marriage expenses?
    • The assistance is specifically designated for marriage expenses.
  • Is there any provision for financial counseling or planning?
    • The scheme does not mention financial counseling provisions.
  • How long has the scheme been in effect?
    • Details on the scheme’s duration are available in the official guidelines; refer to the Citizen’s Charter (2022) for historical context.
  • Is the scheme applicable nationwide or only in specific regions?
    • This scheme is administered by the Government of Tamil Nadu and is applicable within Tamil Nadu.
  • Is there any provision for assistance with accessibility or accommodations for the visually impaired?
    • This scheme specifically focuses on marriage assistance and does not cover broader accessibility or accommodation support.
  • Are there any requirements regarding the type of marriage ceremony?
    • No, the scheme does not specify any requirements regarding the type of marriage ceremony.
  • Is there any provision for assistance with medical expenses related to visual impairment?
    • The scheme is solely focused on marriage assistance and does not cover medical expenses.
  • Are there any restrictions on the marriage venue or location?
    • There are no restrictions specified on the venue or location of the marriage.

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