PVTGs Dakia Yojana: 35kg Subsidized Food Grains for Tribal Families in JharkhandScheme StatusScheme Status

The PVTGs Dakia Yojana (Chief Minister’s Food Security Scheme), launched by the Welfare Department of the Government of Jharkhand, aims to ensure food security for Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs). This scheme is designed to improve the living conditions of PVTG families by providing subsidized food grains, thereby addressing critical nutritional needs in remote and designated PVTG areas.


  • Food Security for PVTG Families: Each eligible family is provided with 35 kg of wheat and rice per month at a nominal price of ₹1 per kg.
  • Direct Village-Level Distribution: Food grains are distributed directly at the village level by Block Welfare Officers, ensuring efficient and accessible delivery.
  • Support for National Food Security: The scheme works in tandem with the “Antyodaya Yojana” to cover all PVTG families, reinforcing the state’s commitment to national food security goals.


  • Community Requirement: The applicant must belong to a Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Group (PVTG).
  • Enrollment Under Antyodaya Yojana: The applicant’s family must be enrolled under the “Antyodaya Yojana.”
  • Residence: The family should reside in designated PVTG areas or remote locations as specified by the scheme.

Application Process

Offline Application

To avail the benefits of the scheme, eligible applicants are required to:

  1. Visit the Nearest Block Welfare Office: Applicants should visit the Block Welfare Office with all relevant documents.
  2. Submit Documentation: Provide the necessary proof of identity and eligibility at the office to register for the scheme.

Documents Required

  • Aadhaar Card (if applicable)
  • Ration Card (if applicable)

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What is the PVTGs Dakia Yojana?
A1: It is a food security scheme launched by the Jharkhand Welfare Department that provides subsidized food grains to Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs) to improve their living conditions.

Q2: Who is eligible for this scheme?
A2: The scheme is available to families belonging to PVTGs, provided they are enrolled under the Antyodaya Yojana and reside in designated PVTG or remote areas.

Q3: What benefits are provided under this scheme?
A3: Eligible families receive 35 kg of wheat and rice per month at a subsidized rate of ₹1 per kg, ensuring essential food security.

Q4: Is there any cost to avail of the benefits under this scheme?
A4: Yes, beneficiaries pay only ₹1 per kg for the provided food grains.

Q5: How is the food distributed to beneficiaries?
A5: Food grains are distributed at the village level by Block Welfare Officers, ensuring direct and efficient delivery.

Q6: How can I apply for this scheme?
A6: Applications are made offline by visiting the nearest Block Welfare Office with the required documents.

Q7: Are there any exclusions under this scheme?
A7: The scheme is specifically for PVTG families enrolled under the Antyodaya Yojana residing in designated areas; those outside these criteria are excluded.

Q8: How is the scheme monitored?
A8: The distribution and implementation of the scheme are monitored by Block Welfare Officers and relevant authorities at the village level.

Q9: What happens if a beneficiary family is unable to collect food grains?
A9: Families facing difficulties in collecting food grains should contact their local Block Welfare Office for assistance and possible alternative arrangements.

Q10: How frequently are food grains distributed under this scheme?
A10: Food grains are distributed on a monthly basis, ensuring continuous food security for eligible families.

Sources and References

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