Chandigarh’s 50% Petrol Subsidy Scheme for Persons with Disabilities: Benefits and GuidelinesScheme StatusScheme Status

The Petrol Subsidy To Persons With Disability scheme, administered by the Department of Social Welfare, Women & Child Development of Chandigarh, is designed to alleviate the financial burden on physically handicapped individuals using motorized vehicles. Eligible persons can receive a 50% subsidy on the actual expenditure for purchasing petrol or diesel, subject to meeting the income and other specified conditions.


  • Subsidized Fuel Costs: Provides a 50% subsidy on actual expenditure for petrol/diesel.
  • Financial Relief: Reduces the financial burden on physically handicapped individuals and their families.
  • Tailored Benefits: The subsidy allocation varies with the vehicle’s horsepower, ensuring targeted support.
  • Enhanced Mobility: Helps ensure that persons with disabilities maintain mobility without undue financial strain.


To qualify for the petrol subsidy, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Must be a person with disability and the owner of a motorized vehicle.
  • Must have an annual income of up to ₹1.50 lacs from all sources.
  • Exclusion: Applicants already receiving a conveyance allowance from any voluntary or government source are not eligible for the subsidy.

Application Process

Registration (Online)

  1. Visit the ServicesPlus Website: Begin your application by accessing the ServicesPlus portal.
  2. Register: Click on the “Register” link on the homepage.
  3. Complete the Registration Form: Provide your Name, Email ID, Password, Mobile Number, State, and enter the Captcha.
  4. Submit Registration: Once all required details are filled and verified, submit the form. A confirmation message will be received on the website or via email.


After registration, log in using your username and password to access further services.

Documents Required

Applicants must submit self-attested photocopies of the following documents:

  • Two passport-sized photographs.
  • Residence proof for the last three years (e.g., Voter Identity Card, Ration Card, Electricity Bill).
  • Copy of Disability Certificate/Identity Card indicating 40% or above disability.
  • Copy of the vehicle’s Registration Certificate in the applicant’s name.
  • Copy of the applicant’s Driving License.
  • Income Certificate.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What is the objective of the scheme?
A1: The scheme aims to reduce the financial burden on physically handicapped persons by subsidizing the cost of petrol/diesel, thereby enhancing their mobility and independence.

Q2: Are persons with disability who own motorized vehicles eligible?
A2: Yes, only persons with disability who are the owners of motorized vehicles can apply for this scheme.

Q3: What is the maximum income limit to avail of this benefit?
A3: Applicants must have an annual income of up to ₹1.50 lacs from all sources.

Q4: Do applicants need to register to avail this service?
A4: Yes, registration on the ServicesPlus website is mandatory to apply for the subsidy.

Q5: Is this scheme exclusively for disabled persons?
A5: Yes, the scheme is designed specifically for persons with disabilities.

Q6: What is DBT?
A6: DBT refers to Direct Benefit Transfer, a mechanism to transfer subsidies directly to the beneficiary’s bank account.

Q7: Is there a driving license requirement for the applicant?
A7: Yes, applicants are required to have a valid Driving License.

Q8: What documents are required when submitting the application form?
A8: The required documents include passport-sized photographs, residence proof, disability certificate/ID, vehicle registration certificate, driving license, and income certificate.

Q9: Is there any application fee for the scheme?
A9: No, there is no application fee for this scheme.

Q10: Is this scheme applicable only for urban areas?
A10: The scheme is applicable in Chandigarh, which is an urban area.

Sources and References

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