Arunachal Pradesh Entrepreneurship Challenge 2025: Goals, Eligibility & BenefitsScheme StatusScheme Status

The Arunachal Pradesh Entrepreneurship Challenge (APEC), launched by the Department of Finance, Investment, and Planning, is the first part of the APEDP. This challenge was unveiled on the occasion of the 74th Independence Day and focuses on identifying, promoting, supporting, and nurturing locally relevant and sustainable business ideas.

  • Incubation and Pre-Incubation Support: After a rigorous evaluation, 50 top entrepreneurs will be selected for incubation and pre-incubation programs facilitated by IIM Calcutta Innovation Park.
  • Awards:
    • The top 10 entrepreneurs will receive financial support of up to ₹5,00,000.
    • The next 40 entrepreneurs will receive up to ₹4,00,000.


  1. Financial Support:

    • Top 50 entrepreneurs will be selected for the Incubation and Pre-Incubation programs.
    • Top 10 entrepreneurs will receive a grant of up to ₹5 lakhs.
    • The next 40 entrepreneurs will receive a grant of up to ₹4 lakhs.
  2. Government Support:

    • Entrepreneurs will be eligible to avail of various Government Support Schemes, Grants, Soft Loans, and Pilot Opportunities.
  3. Training & Mentorship:

    • Training and mentorship support will be provided through pre-incubation, incubation programs, and funding opportunities conducted by IIM Calcutta Innovation Park.


1. The applicant should be a resident of Arunachal Pradesh above 18 years of age with principal business units or should have a proposal to set up branches in Arunachal Pradesh or an Arunachali currently working or residing outside the state, but wishes to return back to the state & become an Entrepreneur.
2. The applicant should be promised an idea and plan or prototype/working model.
3. The applicant should be an Entrepreneur with good communication skills.
4. The applicant should be an early-stage venture set up on or after 15 August 2015.
5. The applicant should be MSME-registered enterprises.
6. The applicant should be an existing entrepreneur in your district.
7. The applicant should be a College graduate.
8. The applicant should be Self-employed people in innovative businesses.
9. The applicant should belong to organized producer groups.


  1. The business must not be an expansion or extension of an existing business (Including a Family Business)
  2. The plan/venture should not belong to the following industries: Alcohol, Tobacco, Gambling, Firearms & Explosives.

Application Process


Step 01: Visit the Official Website of Arunachal Pradesh Startup Portal
Step 02: Click on Register Now. It will take you to the Register Page.
Step 03: Then on the Register page click on Register Now.
Step 04: Register by filling in your basic details i:e. Your Name, Contact Number, Email Address, Password, and How did you hear about us? After filling in these details Click on Sign up.
Step 05: Login using the confirmation mail link on your Mail account. After login, you will receive a Congratulation mail
Step 06: Login by typing your mail Id & Password to access the form and submit.
Step 07: After Signing in you will land on the Form page, Answer all the questions with red stars must be answered, fill in all the necessary details, and be as descriptive as possible you can.
Step 08: Click Draft if you want to save an incomplete form & Click Submit if you want to submit the final application.

Documents Required

  • Applicant Photograph Passport Size (PNG).
  • Aadhaar Card PDF (Both Sides).
  • Domicile Certificate (PDF).
  • Proposed Project Proposal (PDF).
  • Proof of Concept or early-stage revenue generation of products/services to upscale their ventures further.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the goal of launching this program? The goal is to promote entrepreneurship in Arunachal Pradesh, address local challenges, and provide aspiring entrepreneurs with the support they need to succeed.

  • Is it necessary to have a domicile of Arunachal Pradesh to apply for the program? Yes, the applicant must be a resident of Arunachal Pradesh, or they must plan to set up their business in the state.

  • Who is the target audience for this program? The program targets aspiring entrepreneurs in Arunachal Pradesh who have a promising business idea, prototype, or model and are interested in establishing a business.

  • Who cannot apply for the program? Applicants whose businesses are an extension or expansion of existing businesses (including family businesses) and those in industries such as alcohol, tobacco, gambling, firearms, and explosives are not eligible.

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