Institutional Support for Development and Marketing of Tribal Products/ProduceScheme StatusScheme Status

The Institutional Support for Development and Marketing of Tribal Products/Produce scheme was launched in 2014-15 by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Government of India. This comprehensive initiative was created by revising and merging two earlier schemes—“Market Development of Tribal Products/Produce” and “Grant-in-Aid to State Tribal Development Cooperative Corporation for Minor Forest Produce Operation.” Its purpose is to provide holistic support for tribal communities by enhancing production, product development, and marketing of their traditional products, thereby ensuring sustainable livelihoods and promoting their traditional heritage.


Under the scheme, the following activities are supported:

  • Market Intervention: Equitable price fixation, procurement support during depressed price seasons, grading, standardization, and promotional activities.
  • Training & Skill Upgradation: Enhanced training for production and quality improvement, and diversion to high-value products.
  • R&D/IPR Support: New product development, documentation of traditional knowledge, and adoption of scientific harvesting practices.
  • Supply Chain & Infrastructure Development: Establishment of modern warehousing facilities and processing industries for value addition.
  • Trade Information Systems: Development of systems for disseminating trade and market information, including web-enabled services and SMS alerts.


Support under this scheme is available to:

  • Tribal Cooperative Marketing Development Federation (TRIFED)
  • State Tribal Development Cooperative Corporations
  • State Forest Development Corporations (SDCs)
  • Minor Forest Produce (Trading and Development) Federations (MFPTDFs)
  • Other Institutions: Organizations involved in product design, development, export processing, training of tribal producers, patenting and trademark registration, research, GI certification, and related activities.

Application Process

Offline Application Process

  1. Proposal Preparation:
    The Implementing Agencies (IAs) must prepare a detailed proposal and action plan with budgetary requirements. The proposal should outline both the current financial year’s plan and a multi-year perspective plan for establishing sustainable systems and processes.
  2. Submission:
    • For TRIFED, proposals are submitted directly to the Ministry of Tribal Affairs.
    • For other IAs, proposals must be submitted to the Ministry via their respective Nodal Ministry/Department.
  3. Accompanying Documentation:
    The proposal must include utilization certificates as per the provisions of the General Financial Rules (GFR).
  4. Certification:
    The implementing agency must certify that no other funds have been received for the proposed activities from alternate sources.
  5. State Government Role:
    State governments are responsible for overseeing the proposals sponsored by them.

Documents Required

  • Registration Certificate: Of the corporation/institution/organization.
  • Share Capital Details: Authorized and paid-up share capital.
  • Turnover Information: Details of turnover for the last three years and the expected turnover for the current year.
  • Financial Performance: Profit/loss details for the past three years.
  • Grant History: Year-wise details of previously received grants under this scheme and pending utilization certificates.
  • Annual Reports/Balance Sheets: For the last three years.
  • Additional Documents: Any other document required by the guidelines.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What is the objective of the scheme?
A1: The scheme aims to provide comprehensive support for the development, production, and marketing of tribal products/produce, ensuring sustainable livelihoods for tribal communities and preserving their traditional heritage.

Q2: Which is the implementing agency of this scheme?
A2: The scheme is implemented by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Government of India, with TRIFED and other designated state institutions acting as implementing agencies.

Q3: When was this scheme launched?
A3: The scheme was introduced in the 2014-15 fiscal year.

Q4: Is it a Central Sector Scheme?
A4: Yes, it is a Central Sector Scheme implemented by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs.

Q5: What are the various activities to be undertaken under the scheme?
A5: Activities include market intervention, training and skill upgradation, R&D/IPR activities, supply chain infrastructure development, and creation of trade information systems, among others.

Q6: What are the Implementing Agencies?
A6: Eligible implementing agencies include TRIFED, State Tribal Development Cooperative Corporations, State Forest Development Corporations (SDCs), MFPTDFs, and other designated institutions for tribal product development.

Q7: How can a proposal be submitted under the scheme?
A7: Proposals are prepared by the implementing agencies and submitted offline either directly to the Ministry (for TRIFED) or via their Nodal Ministry/Department (for other agencies).

Sources and References

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