Mukhyamantri Samajik Sahayata Prakalpa: ₹2,000 for Vulnerable Women in TripuraScheme StatusScheme Status

The Mukhyamantri Samajik Sahayata Prakalpa – Vulnerable Women scheme was launched by the Directorate of Social Welfare and Social Education, Government of Tripura to support vulnerable women. This initiative provides a monthly pension of ₹2,000 to eligible women including widows, deserted women, unmarried women, and those in need of special care or protection due to age, disability, or risk of abuse.


  • Monthly Pension: A fixed amount of ₹2,000 per month.
  • Direct Bank Transfer: The pension is disbursed directly into the beneficiary’s bank account.
  • Transparency: Beneficiary lists are published on the official website for public access.


To be eligible for this scheme, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Residency: Must be a resident of Tripura.
  • Income Limit: The annual family income should not exceed ₹1,00,000.
  • Age Requirements:
    • For most eligible women, the age must be between 18 and 59 years.
    • In the case of unmarried women, the applicant must be 45 years or above.
  • Additional Criteria:
    • If the family has children aged between 6 to 14 years, those children must be enrolled in a school recognized by the Government of Tripura.
  • Exclusions:
    • Income taxpayers and government employees are not eligible.
    • Individuals whose family members are already receiving benefits under any other category/sub-category of the Mukhyamantri Samajik Sahayata Prakalpa (except infirm & PwDs) are not eligible.
    • Pensioners receiving benefits under the “National Social Assistance Program (NSAP)” or any of the 32 State Social Pension Schemes run by the department are also not eligible.
  • Discontinuation: Assistance will be terminated if any of the exclusion criteria are met during the beneficiary’s lifetime, such as remarriage of a widow or if any family member secures a government job.

Application Process

Offline Application Process

  1. Obtain the Application Form:
    • Visit the office of the Child Development Project Officer (CDPO).
    • Request a hard copy of the prescribed application form free of cost or print the format if available.
  2. Complete the Form:
    • Fill in all the mandatory fields (with required signatures) and attach copies of all the mandatory documents (self-attested if necessary).
  3. Submit the Application:
    • Submit the duly filled and signed application form along with the required documents to the CDPO office corresponding to your residence.
  4. Obtain Acknowledgment:
    • Request a receipt or acknowledgment from the authority, ensuring it contains the date, time of submission, and a unique identification number (if applicable).

Documents Required

  • Income Certificate from the SDM (Sub Divisional Magistrate)
  • Age Proof Certificate (Birth Certificate, School Certificate, or Madhyamik Admit)
  • Aadhaar Card
  • Permanent Resident of Tripura Certificate (PRTC)
  • Ration Card (Issued by the Food & Civil Supplies Department)
  • Death Certificate of Husband (for claiming pension under the “Widow” sub-category)
  • Divorced Certificate issued by the Court (for claiming pension under “Deserted Women”)
  • Unmarried Women Certificate from the Gram Panchayat (GP)/Nagar Panchayat (NP)/AMC/Village Committee (VC) Chairman (for claiming pension under the “Unmarried Women” sub-category)
  • Non-Government Employee Certificate from the Panchayat Secretary/Ward Secretary/Gazetted Officer
  • Post-Selection: Life Certificate and Income Certificate must be submitted to the CDPO every November.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Who launched the “Mukhyamantri Samajik Sahayata Prakalpa – Vulnerable Women” scheme?
A1: It was launched by the Directorate of Social Welfare and Social Education, Government of Tripura.

Q2: What is the objective of the scheme?
A2: The scheme aims to provide financial assistance in the form of a monthly pension of ₹2,000 to vulnerable women such as widows, deserted women, unmarried women, and those needing special care or protection.

Q3: How much is the monthly pension provided?
A3: The monthly pension is ₹2,000.

Q4: How is the financial assistance disbursed?
A4: The sanctioned grant is transferred directly to the beneficiary’s bank account via DBT.

Q5: Who is eligible to receive benefits under this scheme?
A5: Eligible beneficiaries are residents of Tripura with a family income not exceeding ₹1,00,000, aged between 18 and 59 years (with a requirement of 45 years or above for unmarried women), and meeting other specified criteria.

Q6: Can women from other states apply?
A6: No, the applicant must be a resident of Tripura.

Q7: Is there an income limit for eligibility?
A7: Yes, the annual family income should not exceed ₹1,00,000.

Q8: What happens if a beneficiary remarries?
A8: The assistance is stopped if a widow remarries, as per the exclusion criteria.

Q9: Where can beneficiaries check the list of beneficiaries?
A9: The list of beneficiaries is available on the official website of the Social Welfare & Social Education Department, Government of Tripura.

Q10: Are there any specific criteria regarding children in the family?
A10: Yes, if the family has children aged between 6 and 14 years, they must be enrolled in a school recognized by the Government of Tripura.

Q11: How often must the Life Certificate and Income Certificate be submitted after selection?
A11: They must be submitted annually in November.

Q12: What is the maximum annual income limit for the family of the applicant?
A12: The annual family income should not exceed ₹1,00,000.

Sources and References

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