GOBARdhan Scheme: Objectives, Benefits, and How to Apply

Organic Bio-Agro Resources Galvanization The Ministry of Drinking Water & Sanitation launched Dhan in April 2018 as part of Swachh Bharat Mission (Grameen)’s Solid and Liquid Waste Management component to improve rural cleanliness and generate money and energy from animal and organic waste. GOBARDHAN focuses on cleaning communities, raising rural family income, and creating electricity and organic manure from cow dung. GOBARDHAN is more important in rural India since it has helped villages become ODF-plus, one of the main goals of Swachh Bharat Mission (Grameen) Phase II.

GOBARDHAN: Waste to Wealth program creates a common platform for Ministries/Departments like MNRE, MoPNG, DAHD, DACFW, DDWS, and DRDC. Nodal Department for scheme implementation is DDWS. DDWS helps States/UTs execute GOBARDHAN projects under SBM-G with technical and financial assistance.

Objectives of the Scheme

  1. Waste Management:
    • Support villages in managing cattle waste, agricultural waste, and other organic waste.
  2. Waste to Wealth:
    • Encourage the conversion of organic waste, especially cattle dung, into biogas and organic manure.
  3. Livelihood Generation:
    • Create livelihood opportunities for farmers, rural households, and entrepreneurs by converting waste to wealth.
  4. Entrepreneurship Promotion:
    • Involve entrepreneurs, SHGs, and youth groups in the setting up and management of biogas plants.
  5. Public Health and Sanitation:
    • Promote environmental sanitation by ensuring proper waste disposal and curbing vector-borne diseases.

Benefits of the Scheme

  • Waste Management and Sanitation:
    • Helps in managing a major portion of solid waste in rural areas, such as cattle dung and agricultural waste.
  • Health Benefits:
    • Reduces vector-borne diseases and promotes public health.
  • Income and Savings:
    • Helps in promoting household income and savings by reducing the reliance on LPG for cooking (biogas is used as a cheaper alternative).
  • Agriculture Productivity:
    • Produces organic manure, which enhances agriculture and improves farm productivity.
  • Employment Opportunities:
    • Promotes employment and income generation for SHGs, farmers’ groups, and entrepreneurs.
  • Environmental Sustainability:
    • Reduces greenhouse gas emissions and promotes environmental sustainability by generating clean energy from waste.

Eligibility Criteria

  1. Individual Household Model:
    • Individual households identified by Gram Panchayats are eligible.
  2. Cluster Model:
    • A cluster of households identified by Gram Panchayats, in association with Cooperatives, Milk Unions, Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs), SHGs, CBOs, Private Entrepreneurs, etc. Minimum of 3 to 4 cattle required.
  3. Community Model:
    • Households identified by Gram Panchayats are eligible to set up community-level biogas systems.
  4. Commercial Model:
    • Entrepreneurs, Cooperatives, Gaushalas, and Dairies are eligible to set up large biogas or Compressed Bio-Gas (CBG) plants.
  5. Priority Villages:
    • Villages with a high population of cattle should be given priority.

Application Process (Offline)

  1. Identification of Beneficiaries:
    • Gram Panchayat identifies the beneficiaries with support from SHGs, FPOs, milk cooperatives, private entrepreneurs, etc.
  2. Project Plan Development:
    • The project plan document is prepared in association with the identified agencies/empaneled organizations.
  3. Approval and Proposal Submission:
    • Administrative and technical proposals are submitted to competent authorities for approval, and an O&M (Operation & Maintenance) plan should be part of the project proposal.

Documents Required

  1. Aadhaar Card
  2. Corporate Identification Number (CIN) / Registration Number
  3. Permanent Account Number (PAN)
  4. Goods and Services Tax Identification Number (GSTN)
  5. Plant/Project Details
  6. Financial Statement

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. What is the full name of GOBARdhan Scheme?
    The full name is Galvanizing Organic Bio-Agro Resources Dhan (GOBARdhan).
  2. What is Biomethanation?
    Biomethanation refers to the biological process of converting organic matter (like cattle dung) into biogas and organic manure.
  3. What are the categories of biogas plants under GOBARdhan?
    The scheme envisions various models, including Individual Household, Cluster, Community, and Commercial biogas plants.
  4. What is the minimum capacity for an individual household biogas plant?
    The minimum capacity varies based on household needs, typically suitable for daily energy use.
  5. How is the GOBARdhan Scheme helping reduce pollution?
    By converting organic waste into biogas, it reduces the reliance on fossil fuels, decreases pollution, and promotes environmental sustainability.

Sources and References

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