Post-Matric Scholarships for SC Students 2025 in Gujarat

The “Post-Matric Scholarships for Scheduled Castes Students” programme has been initiated by the Department of Social Justice & Empowerment, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Government of India. The scheme is being implemented by the Director, Scheduled Caste Welfare within the Gujarat state. It is a centrally sponsored scheme and there will be a 60:40 Centre-State sharing ratio. The aim of the scheme is to significantly enhance the Gross Enrolment Ratio of SC students in higher education focusing on those belonging to the poorest of the poor, by offering financial support at the post-matriculation or postsecondary level so that they could complete their studies.


Academic Allowance

Category of Courses Hostellers (Yearly in ₹) Day Scholars (Yearly in ₹)
Group 1: Degree & Postgraduate Level Professional Courses ₹13,500 ₹7,000
Group 2: Other Professional Courses leading to Degree, Diploma, Certificate ₹9,500 ₹6,500
Group 3: Graduate and Postgraduate Courses (except those in Group 1 & 2) ₹6,000 ₹3,000
Group 4: All Post-Matriculation (Post-Class X) Non-Degree Courses ₹4,000 ₹2,500

Additional Notes

  • 10% extra allowance is provided for Divyang (Disabled) students.
  • Students pursuing C.A./I.C.W.A./C.S./I.C.F.A. are considered as day scholars for the purpose of academic allowance.
  • Students enrolled in correspondence/online courses are not eligible for academic allowance but can receive reimbursement for non-refundable fees.


  • The student should be a member of the Scheduled Caste (SC) of Gujarat.
  • The student should have passed Matriculation, Higher Secondary, or any higher examination from a recognized Board/University.
  • The annual family income should not be more than ₹2,50,000.
  • Students who re-enroll in the same level of education (e.g., studying B.Com after B.A. or M.A. in another subject) are not eligible.
  • All children of the same parent/guardian are eligible for the scholarship.
  • Correspondence or online course students are also eligible but will not get an academic allowance.
  • Students can’t hold two scholarships simultaneously. They have to select the best one and give notice to the relevant authorities.
  • Seats occupied in non-transparent manner (management quota, NRI quota, spot admissions, etc.) are not eligible for this scholarship.

Duration and Renewal of Awards

  • The scholarship is payable until course completion, provided the student maintains satisfactory academic performance and 75% attendance (verified through an Aadhaar-based attendance system).
  • If a student misses the annual examination due to illness, the scholarship may be renewed upon submission of a medical certificate.
  • If a student fails a class and re-enrolls, the scholarship will be available for one additional year or the actual period, whichever is lower.
  • If a student is promoted despite failing a subject (as per university/institution rules), they are still eligible for the scholarship in the next year.

Application Process

Online Application Submission

  1. Visit the Digital Gujarat PortalClick Here
  2. Click ‘Register’ to create an account.
  3. Enter Mobile Number, Email, and Password, then click ‘Save’.
  4. Login using your Username (Mobile No./Email ID) and Password.
  5. Click ‘My Profile’ and update your details.
  6. Enter OTP verification to confirm profile setup.
  7. Under ‘Services’, select ‘Scholarship Services’‘SC Scheme’.
  8. Select the Financial Year and click on ‘Change Financial Year’.
  9. Choose the Post-Matric Scholarship Scheme, read the instructions, and click ‘Continue to Service’.
  10. Fill in the application form and upload the required documents.
  11. Click ‘Save as Draft’, review the form, and submit by clicking ‘Confirm & Final Submit’.

Important Instructions

  • Photo Upload is mandatory.
  • The application is considered complete only when all sections are filled.
  • Only one application per student will be accepted. Multiple applications will be rejected.
  • Misleading or incorrect information will lead to immediate rejection.
  • All documents must be scanned clearly, as unreadable documents will result in rejection.
  • No changes can be made once the application is successfully submitted.
  • Direct individual submissions are not accepted for students studying inside Gujarat. Only students studying outside Gujarat must submit their forms online and then submit them physically to the district officer.

User Manual:

Documents Required

  1. Passport-size Photograph
  2. Aadhaar Card (Identity Proof)
  3. Income Certificate (Valid for 3 Years, Form No. 16 for Govt. Employees)
  4. 10th Standard Marksheet
  5. Caste Certificate (Issued by Competent Authorities)
  6. First Page of Bank Passbook / Cancelled Cheque
  7. Disability Certificate (for Disabled Persons)
  8. Fee Receipt of Current Course Year
  9. Break Affidavit (if there is a gap of more than one year)
  10. Leave Without Pay (LWP) Certificate (for employed students)
  11. Hostel Certificate (for hosteller students)
  12. Marriage Certificate (if applicable)
  13. School Leaving Certificate (if applicable)
  14. Death Certificate of Father (if applicable)
  15. 12th Standard Marksheet (if applicable)
  16. Graduate Marksheet (if applicable)
  17. Other Last Year Marksheets
  18. Identity Card (College/School)
  19. Any other required documents

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: Under what Post-Matric Scholarships for Scheduled Castes Students programme is this?
A1: Designed to help SC students financially for higher education beyond Class 10, this centrally supported scholarship programme
Q2: Gujarati scheme implementation agent?
A2: Gujarat’s Director, Scheduled Caste Welfare oversees the scheme.
Q3: How much money this scheme requires?
A3: The Central Government and the Gujarat State Government split the funding 60:40 ratio.
Q4: Under this approach, what advantages exist?
A4: Based on the course category, the plan offers academic allowance ranging from ₹2,500 to ₹13,500 yearly.

Q5: Can students pursuing correspondence or online courses apply?
A5: Yes, but they will not receive academic allowance (only non-refundable fees will be reimbursed).

Q6: Can a student hold multiple scholarships?
A6: No, students must choose only one scholarship.

Q7: How is attendance verified?
A7: Attendance is verified through an Aadhaar-based attendance system.

Q8: Where can students apply for this scholarship?
A8: Applications must be submitted through the Digital Gujarat Portal.

Sources and References

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