Aicte distinguished chair professor fellowship 2025: Eligibility

The Distinguished Chair Professor Fellowship is a scheme by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) under the Ministry of Education. The scheme aims to utilize the expertise of highly qualified superannuated professionals who have made exceptional contributions to society in their respective fields. These professionals will be invited to interact with students and faculty at AICTE-approved institutes to motivate and inspire them. The fellowship will be tenable for a period of three years or until the age of 75 years, whichever comes earlier, with an extension possible till the age of 80 years, subject to fitness.


The fellowship provides the following benefits:

  1. Honorarium: ₹10,000/- per day for full-day interaction with the faculty and students of the host institute and nearby institutions. The interaction is limited to a maximum of five days in a single trip.
  2. Travel Expenses: Actual expenses for travel by train, air, car, etc., will be reimbursed.
  3. Online Mode: For online sessions, the institution can host up to 5 sessions with one assigned Distinguished Chair Professor (DCP). Each session will last for a minimum of 2 hours, followed by 1 hour of interaction.


  • The awardee must be a highly qualified superannuated professional in their respective field.
  • The awardee should be an acknowledged leader (expert) in the field of specialization and have actively engaged in research and development.
  • The awardee should have made contributions to society through exceptional fieldwork or contributions in their area of expertise.

Application Process:

Offline Process:

  1. Step 1: The nominations for the fellowship will be by nomination only. Nominations can be submitted throughout the year.

  2. Step 2: The nominations should be sent to the following address:

    • The Director (Faculty Development Cell)
      AICTE, Nelson Mandela Marg,
      Vasant Kunj, New Delhi-110070
      Email: [email protected]
  3. Step 3: The nomination should include all the necessary details such as the letter of acceptance and the 3-5 day schedule to deliver lectures.

Documents Required:

  • Letter of Acceptance
  • Schedule of 3-5 days to deliver lectures throughout the year
  • Bank account details, including IFSC code

(Note: Further action will be initiated only after the receipt of the above documents.)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q1: Under what Terms and Conditions does this program operate?
The terms and conditions specify the travel reimbursement, the honorarium, and the days for engagement. It also describes the process of nomination and the range of online seminars.
Q2: Which responsibility falls to the Host Institute?
Organizing the interactions, guaranteeing the involvement of teachers and students, and offering the required logistical support throughout the fellowship period falls on the host institute.
Q3: For which scheme is eligibility required?
Highly qualified experts with major contributions to their field who are superannuated and have a documented track record of research and development are welcome in the fellowship.
Q4: The fellowship’s tenures will be what?
Whichever comes first—three years or until the fellow reaches 75 years of age—the fellowship is for that. Based on fitness, one can prolong the tenure till they are eighty years old.
Q5: How is one to get comments from the participants and Chair Professors?
Participants and the chair professors will get comments to assess the success of the fellowship and the interactions carried out during the fellowship term.

Sources and References:

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