Fellowship Amount: ₹1,35,000/- per month (including HRA)
Research Grant: ₹7,00,000/- per annum for consumables, travel, research personnel, and contingencies
Overhead Charges: ₹60,000/- per annum
Eligibility for Regular Grants: Ramanujan Fellows are eligible to receive regular research grants from various S&T agencies of the Government of India.
Duration of Fellowship: The duration of the fellowship will be for five years, and not extendable
- The fellowship is open to brilliant Indian scientists and engineers from all over the world who are below the age of 40 years, who want to return to India from abroad.
- The applicant should possess a higher degree or equivalent, such as a Ph.D. in Science/Engineering, Master in Engineering or Technology/MD in Medicine, etc., and have adequate professional experience.
- These Fellowships are very selective and only those who have a proven/outstanding track record as evident from their research publications and recognitions would be eligible.
- In case a fellow is offered a permanent position, he/she will be ineligible for the fellowship.
- This fellowship is meant for working in new areas and laboratories in order to expand their research capabilities, other than the one, where the candidate has obtained his/her doctorate degree.
- Nominations from the Ph.D. guides of the candidate and nominations from the same institute where they opted for their Ph.D, will not be considered.
- The age of the candidate should not be more than 40 years.
- The candidate should be working abroad at the time of his nomination for the fellowship.
- The Fellowship is only for those scientists who are not holding any permanent/tenure track/contractual position in any Indian Institute/University.
Application Process:
Methodology for Nomination & Selection:
Online Application Procedure:
- Passport-size Photograph
- Proof of Age
- Educational Qualifications Details
- Details of any Awards or Honors
- Publications List
- Patent Information (if applicable)
- Nomination Letter (on official letterhead)
- CV of the Nominee
- Plagiarism Undertaking
- Other documents as requested
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
Q1: Are the Ramanujan Fellowship grants taxable?
A1: Yes, the income tax regulations prevailing in India characterize the fellowship grant as taxable.
Q2: For what purpose does the Ramanujan Fellowship?
A2: The fellowship is to motivate exceptional Indian scientists and engineers overseas to return to India for research at the cutting edge in new areas.
Q3: How one can apply for the Ramanujan Fellowship?
A3: Online applications are to be submitted on the SERB Online Portal. The nominee must register and upload the documents.
Q3:What research areas are in focus under the Ramanujan Fellowship?
A4: Any field of scientific research pursued in India, especially in new areas of research not connected with the previous work output of the nominee.
Q5: Employable destinations for a Ramanujan Fellow
A5: Fellows have the liberty to be employed in any S&T institution in India, be it national labs, universities, or other academic spaces.
Q6: Are regular research funds available for application by Ramanujan Fellows?
A6: Ramanujan Fellows are eligible for application of regular research funds through various S&T ministries of the Indian government.
Q7: The fellowship continues for what duration?
A7: Five years is the fellowship, so it is not prolonged.
Q8: The fellowship is what?
Fellows receive ₹7,00,000/-annually for research grants along with ₹1,35,000/-including HRA.
Q9: Can a Ramanujan Fellow receive payment outside of the fellowship?
A9: In addition to receiving the fellowship, a Ramanujan Fellow cannot receive payment from any organization.
Q10: A Ramanujan Fellow can go abroad how many times?
A10: One foreign trip per year subject to availability of funds.
Q11: If a Ramanujan Fellow were to receive a permanent position in India, what would be the consequence?
A11:A fellow will forfeit eligibility for a fellowship and have to relinquish it whether selected for a permanent, tenure-track, or contractual appointment.
Sources and References:
- Official Website: SERB Website
Contact Details:
Member Secretary:Dr. Jacob V.V.Science and Engineering Research Board3rd & 4th Floor, Block II, Technology Bhavan, New Mehrauli Road,New Delhi-110016Tel: +91-11-26552216, Email: [email protected]Program Coordinator:Dr. Shashi Bhushan Pandey, Scientist ‘G’