Merit-Based Awards for ST Students in Goa for High Performers in Board Exams

The Department of Tribal Welfare, Government of Goa is implementing a scheme titled ‘Merit-Based Award and Recognition of High Performance in the Board exams of SSC and HSSC in the state of Goa’ for Scheduled Tribe Students. The objective of this scheme is to motivate students by giving Merit Based Award on the benchmark of performance and to provide financial incentives to high-performing students who are economically weak. Any Scheduled Caste student who has passed Class 10th and Class 12th, securing 50% and above marks will be given a financial award. The scheme aims to increase the representation of the ST Community in the High-Rank holders are very few in the Class 10th and Class 12th.


  1. Felicitation of Rank Holders Students:
    • ₹20,000 to the First Five Rank Holders in each stream: Science, Commerce, Arts, and Vocational.
    • A Certificate of Appreciation will be presented during a public felicitation ceremony.
  2. Merit-Based Awards:
    • ₹5,000 for students who have scored 50% to 59.99% marks.
    • ₹8,000 for students who have scored 60% to 69.99% marks.
    • ₹10,000 for students who have scored 70% to 74.99% marks.
    • ₹15,000 for students who have scored 75% or above marks.


  • The applicant should be from a Scheduled Tribe (ST) in the State of Goa.
  • The applicant should have secured 50% or above marks in the SSC or HSSC Board exams.
  • For the Merit-Based Award, the family’s annual income should be less than ₹5,00,000.

Application Process

  • Step 1: Go to Goa Scholarship Portal Official Website.
  • Step 2: Now, Register on the website with Name, Email ID, Mobile NO and other required details.
  • Step 4: Log in to portal using Email ID / Mobile Number Credentials that you have received as an Email.
  • STEP-4 On portal fetch the online Application Form of “Merit Award for Performers in Board Exams (SSC/HSSC)”
  • Step 5: Complete all mandatory fields in the Online Application Form and drag & drop file in the mentioned type, size as per the criteria.
  • Step 5: Go to the bottom and click “Submit” to end the form.
  • Step 6: Once your application has been successfully submitted a pop-up box for Application Reference ID will appear. The same shall also be forwarded through Registered Email ID and Registered Mobile Number. Keep this reference ID with u for further use.

Documents Required

  1. Caste Certificate: Issued by a competent authority.
  2. Income Certificate: Issued by a competent authority.
  3. Mark Sheet: For SSC/HSSC.
  4. Receipt of Fees Paid.
  5. Bank Passbook: A copy of the first page.
  6. Aadhar Card: Along with Consent Form.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you clarify the process of felicitation and when the certificates of appreciation are presented to the students?

During a public function, the top five rank holders in each stream are felicitated. At this event, they receive a certificate of appreciation along with a financial award of ₹20,000.

How frequently is the performance of this scheme evaluated, and what happens if modifications are deemed necessary?

The scheme’s performance is evaluated every two years. If required, modifications are made to meet new challenges and requirements while ensuring that the scheme continues to achieve its intended objectives.

How does the scheme address the issue of limited representation of ST students among high-rank holders in board exams?

The scheme addresses this issue by recognizing and awarding the top five rank holders in each stream, motivating ST students to aim for higher academic achievements. This recognition encourages them to excel in their studies and perform well in board exams.

Could you explain the composition and roles of the “Monitoring committee” mentioned in the scheme?

The “Monitoring committee” plays a crucial role in overseeing the scheme’s implementation. It consists of: Chairman: Secretary, Tribal Welfare. Member: Joint Secretary, Finance. Member: Director, Higher Education. Member: Director of Tribal Welfare. The committee collaboratively ensures the scheme’s smooth operation and adherence to its objectives.

Who is responsible for sanctioning the benefits under this scheme?

The Director of Tribal Welfare is the sanctioning authority responsible for approving and disbursing the benefits under this scheme.

Could you explain the distinction between “Felicitation of Rank Holders Students” and “Merit-Based Awards” under this scheme?

“Felicitation of Rank Holders Students” specifically recognizes the top five rank holders in each stream (Science, Commerce, Arts, and Vocational) with a financial award of ₹20,000 each and a certificate of appreciation. “Merit-Based Awards” are given to students falling within specific score ranges, with varying award amounts based on their percentage of marks achieved.

Can individuals from Scheduled Castes / Scheduled Tribe also apply to this scheme?

The scheme is open only to applicants from Scheduled Tribe.

Sources and References

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