West Bengal Transport Workers Social Security Scheme – Financial Assistance for Death or Disability

The West Bengal Transport Workers’ Social Security Scheme offers financial assistance to unorganized transport workers (or their nominees/dependents) in cases of death or permanent disability. Administered by the Labour Department, it aims to provide relief and social security for workers facing distress from accidental or natural causes.


  1. Relief on Death
    • Accidental Death: ₹1,50,000
    • Natural Death: ₹50,000
  2. Relief on Permanent Disability
    • Loss of One Hand, One Leg Below the Knee, One Eye, or Hearing in One Ear: ₹25,000
    • Loss of a Thumb: ₹9,000
    • Loss of Any Other Finger: ₹4,000
    • Maximum Relief for Total Disablement: ₹50,000


  1. Age Range: 18–60 at enrollment.
  2. Occupation: Unorganized transport worker operating a commercial vehicle (car, taxi, bus, lorry, auto-rickshaw, etc.).
  3. Commercial Use: Vehicle must be commercial, not just personal/family.
  4. Nominee/Dependent: Entitled in case of a worker’s death.


No assistance if death or disability results from:

  • Intentional self-injury, suicide, immorality, or intoxication.
  • Injuries from riots, civil commotions, or racing.

Application Process (Online)

  1. Register on eDistrict 2.0:
    • Go to the portal, click “Log In/Sign Up”, then “Register” at the bottom.
    • Provide required details, including mobile-based OTP.
  2. Log In:
    • After registration, enter username/email and captcha, followed by OTP.
  3. Apply for Scheme:
    • From the Dashboard, select the concerned scheme and fill in details.

Documents Required

For New Registration

  1. Certification by Prescribed Authority in the prescribed format.
  2. Passport-size photos (worker + dependents).
  3. Age Proof.
  4. Driving Licence (for drivers).
  5. EPIC/Aadhaar Card.

For Welfare Scheme Application

  1. Nominee/Dependent Details.
  2. Death Certificate (for death claims).
  3. Medical Certificate/Report (for disability claims).

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. What is the purpose of the scheme?
    To provide financial relief for unorganized transport workers or their dependents in cases of death or permanent disability.
  2. Who can apply for this scheme?
    Any unorganized transport worker operating a commercial vehicle in West Bengal, aged 18–60.
  3. What are the benefits provided under the scheme?
    Up to ₹1,50,000 for accidental death, ₹50,000 for natural death, and varying amounts for permanent disability.
  4. How is the assistance disbursed?
    After approval, the benefit is transferred to the worker/nominee’s bank account.
  5. What documents are required to apply?
    Registration, age proof, photograph, Aadhaar/EPIC, death certificate (if applicable), medical proof, etc.
  6. Are privately owned vehicles included in the scheme?
    No, only commercial vehicles used for public service are covered.
  7. Is there any age limit for the scheme?
    Yes, 18–60 years at enrollment.
  8. Are benefits provided for self-inflicted injuries or suicides?
    No, such incidents are excluded under the scheme.
  9. What if multiple disabilities occur in one accident?
    Compensation is determined according to the type(s) of disability within the scheme’s provisions.
  10. Is this scheme applicable in cases of natural disasters?
    Yes, if it results in death or permanent disability and meets all conditions.
  11. Can family members apply on behalf of the worker?
    Yes, nominee/dependents can apply in the event of a worker’s death.
  12. Are accidental injuries under intoxication covered?
    No, injuries or deaths due to intoxication are excluded.
  13. What happens if the nominee is not registered?
    The worker must ensure nominee details are updated; unregistered nominees may face delays or ineligibility.

Sources and References

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